Guys should we host the event we have planned? or should I sell the prizes and apply to be official?
You decide, I wont do anything till at least 5 ppl vote
Sell the shit. Not like we're well known anyway.
First getting official, and then probably an event later. Goddamnit guys, learn to sort priorities.
Originally Posted by Gruszex View Post

You have been infracted for a shitpost, you now have 1 point.

Have a good day,

Originally Posted by SrBognanno View Post
Official bro!

Just think in that is best.

Viiiiic just pm`d.

Watch out for those low quality posts, don't want to get lower than that number of words in a post. I'll let you off with nothing since you escaped the minimum words, but try to elaborate more on what you're talking about.

Have a good day,
Originally Posted by SrBognanno
can u do a opener for me and i do a madman?

just that opener you know what to do.
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retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
Yh onsola you moron you should sell them, idk who put this guy as the leader...
there we go 5 votes, Im selling my shit, Onsola you should be more polite you know