[19:52] * shamshank ( has joined #TLL
[19:52] <Array> Clan allies?
[19:53] <Array> hello???
[19:54] <Array> hello?
[19:56] <Array> hi
[19:56] <Array> Hows it going
[19:56] <Array> good...woking things out in my clan
[19:57] <Array> im guessing youre the leader of TLL?
[19:58] * shamshank ( Quit ( Quit: Page closed )
[19:58] <Array> lol far from it
^He needs to do his home work a little better.
We don't care about ingame.
You seem cool. Post count is low.
I'll have to see what other people say about you.
yep yep... well I kind of did but I didnt really say my motive when I joined in I kind of just sat there for a day or I can get a good hold of fears behavior before asking him if he wanted to allie... That was also before I found out you guys were talking about the (clan is question) E_E if I known that I would have just PMed him like a gentlemen but w/e ... I think allies are over rated... because PD had like what over 10 yet when I posted PD's closing only Half of them responded XP.
What you guys miss
[00:26] <Array> Hey PV2 do you know what these guys mean by Chicago Manual of Style
[00:27] <Array> nope
[00:27] <Array> XD
[00:28] <Array> and you are in college right
[00:28] <Array> XP
[00:28] <Array> i posted in WHat are you listening to
[00:28] <Array> Fuck that
[00:28] <Array> no im not
[00:28] <Array> i said fuck college
[00:28] <Array> lol
[00:28] <Array> i did just enough to pass HS
[00:28] <Array> no fuckin way im payin to go to college
[00:28] <Array> Oh 9,9 Mr GED huh
[00:28] <Array> no
[00:28] <Array> HS diploma
[00:29] <Array> XD
[00:29] <Array> OMG HOW ARE YOU GETTING A JOB 0.0
[00:30] <Array> Us Army
[00:30] <Array> ... <Array> (Lucky perks having mofo)
[00:30] <Array> .... I would join the ARMY but I am to easly spoted
[00:30] <Array> lol
[00:31] <Array> we ride the train into boston for gree
[00:31] <Array> you cant really hide or take cover when you are 6"5' 
[00:31] <Array> fuck hiding
[00:31] <Array> XD
[00:31] <Array> i can shoot like a motherfucker
[00:31] <Array> ... XD XD XD (LOLING RIGHT NOW)
[00:32] <Array> ... so you just go all cammando
[00:32] <Array> i can put atleast 38 rounds into your chest at 300 yards, and all of them will be able to be covered by a half dollar
[00:33] <Array> bobby(random name) says  Jon(your random name) YOUR IN TO DEEP
[00:33] <Array> your like f that ,,, they cant touch me
[00:33] <Array> now stop being a pussy and shut
[00:34] <Array> wait let me take a wiz (head shot with out looking)
[00:37] <Array> Quick Question PV2 does anyone in TLL know your full name...
[00:37] <Array> ummm
[00:37] <Array> possibly
[00:37] <Array> why?
[00:37] <Array> lol because you guys are mad reserved
[00:38] <Array> ... whlie with me I leave little protected
[00:38] <Array> lol
[00:38] <Array> e_e lol people know my full name (not the middle) and also know what type of family I have
[00:38] <Array> i told them my name before
[00:38] <Array> Like you
[00:38] <Array> XD
[00:38] <Array> idk if they remember
[00:38] <Array> your full name though 0.o
[00:38] <Array> if they wanna know my last name, they can look at my tattoos
[00:39] <Array> ... cant read the crap... :P
[00:39] <Array> ?
[00:39] <Array> I have bad eye site
[00:39] <Array> so all I saw was a spirly paper 
[00:39] <Array> i have great eye site
[00:39] <Array> with some words
[00:39] <Array> but couldnt make out the words
[00:40] <Array> i can see .22 holes at 50 yards
[00:40] <Array> [00:32] <Array> i can put atleast 38 rounds into your chest at 300 yards, and all of them will be able to be covered by a half dollar [NO SHIT]
[00:40] <Array> hahaha
[00:40] <Array> oh
[00:40] <Array> did i mention, thats without a scope, or red dot?
[00:40] <Array> ....
[00:40] <Array> you know what
[00:40] <Array> I dont want to get you any where near hostile
[00:41] <Array> ... well mabye if you just had your bare hands
[00:41] <Array> what part of "rifle team for 3 years" and "world champs"
[00:41] <Array> did u not get
[00:41] <Array> haha
[00:41] <Array> XD
[00:41] <Array> nope
[00:41] <Array> we learned dirty BJJ in the army haha
[00:41] <Array> the kind where you grab the throat and squeeze and pull
[00:41] <Array> or thumb the eyes
[00:41] <Array> clap the ears
[00:41] <Array> XD
[00:41] <Array> finish the fight, and move on
[00:43] <Array> pf I can still take you on with just your bare hands
[00:43] <Array> u wanna bet?
[00:43] <Array> idgaf if your 6'5
[00:43] <Array> I have taken lessons since the age of 3
[00:43] <Array> if i kick you in the nuts full force, you will be down on my level
[00:43] <Array> and being taller buts me at a disadvantage
[00:43] <Array> .... because I can be knocked over easer
[00:44] <Array> ... take out my legs and I am mutually fucked
[00:44] <Array> .... yeah there is a down side to every thing
[00:44] <Array> lol
[00:44] <Array> like i said
[00:45] <Array> a swift kick to the nuts and ill have the advantage
[00:45] <Array> punch to the throat
[00:45] <Array> u know
[00:45] <Array> the good stuff
[00:45] <Array> XD but who said I would be stupid enough not to go padded
[00:46] <Array> ... yeah its the pussys way but I need my balls
[00:53] <Array> haha well
[00:53] <Array> good luck finding me when i dont dont have my double sided boot knife
[00:53] <Array> on me
[00:53] <Array> XD
[00:53] <Array> not evenin yo sleep ;O
[00:54] <Array> not even in yo most wildest spaz
[00:54] <Array>
[00:54] <Array> i got 2 knives and my bb gun pistol next to my bed
[00:54] <Array> ... you cant even lie this is funny
[00:54] <Array> XD
[00:54] <Array> my buddy lit off firecrackers in my room one day
[00:54] <Array> when the second one went off, i was sitting up in my bed with a knife in my hand ready to kill someone
[00:55] <Array> XD so you cut him by accedent
[00:55] <Array> haha he was smart enough to be outside my door
[00:55] <Array> Xd
[00:55] <Array> So would I 
[00:55] <Array> hahaha
[00:55] <Array> I would actually be in the lawn .... you had a gun with you
[00:55] <Array> like 2 days later my friend came in my room to wake me up
[00:55] <Array> XD
[00:55] <Array> NOOOO JOHN NOOOO
[00:56] <Array> haha i heard her kick the pile of clothes on my floor
[00:56] <Array> oh her
[00:56] <Array> i wake up, turn see someone walkin in my room
[00:56] <Array> i flip on my back, and start to kick
[00:57] <Array> ummm
[00:57] <Array> haha she grabs my foot, and i notice its her, so stop kicking
[00:57] <Array> what
[00:57] <Array> hahaha she almost went flying across my room
[00:57] <Array> like
[00:57] <Array> i put my foot back, and as im kicking forward, i notice its her
[00:57] <Array> almost spartan kicked her across my room hahaa
[00:57] <Array> wait you turned on your back and then kicked wildy
[00:58] <Array> no
[00:58] <Array> oh it was a swift motion
[00:58] <Array> i turned on my back, drew my knee to my chest, and started kicking out
[00:58] <Array> but half way through, i noticed who it was, and she caught my foot lol
[00:58] <Array> lol you are to well trained ... I wil need better approch of stealth
[00:58] <Array> hahaha
[00:59] <Array> no
[00:59] <Array> make lots of noise
[00:59] <Array> XD
[00:59] <Array> otherwise i will fuck u up lol
[00:59] <Array> I will fire a couple rounds so you think you are just dreaming in one of your war flash backs
[00:59] <Array> XP
[00:59] <Array> hahaha i can sleep through anything, but for some reason, if i hear someone in
[00:59] <Array> hahaha
[00:59] <Array> XD
[00:59] <Array> i fell asleep on my couch one night
[01:00] <Array> arms crossed
[01:00] <Array> remote for the tv on my arms
[01:00] <Array> my dad grabbed the remote, and he brushed up against my arm
[01:00] <Array> hahaha i cocked my arm back and almost swung
[01:01] <Array> hahaha but i slept through the EMTs taking my dad out of the house and into the ambulance lol
[01:01] <Array> as long as its not in my room, i stay asleep
Best Convo ever I quit to much so I never get to save any of the adventures using /me
Last edited by thepureone; May 5, 2011 at 07:12 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Aha um where is it... I know (your guys say its done but me no see it) Well either way... What is the theme song for you guys (If you to cool for a theme song its cool and all) just wanted to know... (you might here it in a month or so in a video *HINT ITY HINT*
I say go on IRC and post around on our forums.

And what about [Bot] cuz you were in that clan a month or so ago
<~Fear> fuck, Pv2Caribou is that you?
<~Fear> you look like you suplex fucking rhinos
Originally Posted by PV2Caribou View Post
From Dust reminds me of Black and White.

Yeah, I think that's where they got the idea for it from.
That was a cool game when it came out. I always made my tiger evil
<~Fear> fuck, Pv2Caribou is that you?
<~Fear> you look like you suplex fucking rhinos