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Sabuk :v
Kalo masalah kecerdasan saya yakin saya setidaknya ranking 2 di kelas saya, karena di kelas saya, anak cewek tuh kalo pagi pagi pasti nyontek ke saya dan teman saya yg laki.
Killjoys, make some noise!
Originally Posted by R1GBY View Post
Kenapa kebanyak cewe lebih pinter dari pada cowo ._.
(Apa cuma perasaan gw doang)

Hmmm...i think it have relations with the different how they act.
You could observe when you do a study group consist of 2 boys and 3 girls or make the girls is the majority in your group.

And see who's the one that most active in the group, boy or girl.
I already did that research and found out that among 7/10 groups the one that active is the girl. That shows how much they want study more than the boys.
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
eww i shouldve been 6th dan, but id was hacked :c

kalo di skolah gua sih cewe pinternya lebih general, tapi yg banyak menang lomba itu cowo. kayak OSN gitu yg menang cowo dll
Originally Posted by Tricerafi View Post
Hmmm...i think it have relations with the different how they act.
You could observe when you do a study group consist of 2 boys and 3 girls or make the girls is the majority in your group.

And see who's the one that most active in the group, boy or girl.
I already did that research and found out that among 7/10 groups the one that active is the girl. That shows how much they want study more than the boys.

My research result is not the same as yours,
indeed SOME girl is active, but when boys do actually want to study, they improve way better than girls.
Killjoys, make some noise!