I honestly need to put more effort forth into TA. I want to do the Decap thread, though I asked timmy to make a general outline and that fgt never got back to me. a "Counters and You" thing would be neato.
|[TA]|[MLO]|Team Pokemon|
Fear sucks eggs
Originally Posted by Retro View Post
I honestly need to put more effort forth into TA. I want to do the Decap thread, though I asked timmy to make a general outline and that fgt never got back to me. a "Counters and You" thing would be neato.

So basically everyone failed to make the decap thread lmao.
the only reason I really said no to that is because for one I don't understand why timmy thinks I'm good enough to explain in detail how to decap and for two, his offer was the council pass which I doubted he would give to me. Once the thread was complete he'd probably be like "not gud enuff" and then we'd be back at square one or possibily behind.

anyways I've already unsubbed from this forum because I feel like a good amount of you are too wibbly and never listen to reason. If you actually want me to do something other than sit here and be laughed at, I'd be happy to, but if you post it here the chances are I won't find out about it.
I'm just gamin' man
Originally Posted by Jaxon View Post
the only reason I really said no to that is because for one I don't understand why timmy thinks I'm good enough to explain in detail how to decap and for two, his offer was the council pass which I doubted he would give to me. Once the thread was complete he'd probably be like "not gud enuff" and then we'd be back at square one or possibily behind.

anyways I've already unsubbed from this forum because I feel like a good amount of you are too wibbly and never listen to reason. If you actually want me to do something other than sit here and be laughed at, I'd be happy to, but if you post it here the chances are I won't find out about it.

Have you tried pilates? It really helps get rid of the stress of not having a board pass.
I think I might be retired.
Wait, let me do the decap thread, I'm one of the best decappers in the game, lol. I can do a tutorial and what not easily. I actually taught scar, kriast(orkal/silveti), and a couple others how to decap when they asked. I'd be willing.

Edit: Jaxon stop being a baby, we all mess with each other, you aren't allowed to cry on the internet every time someone targets you for trolling. Grow a pair. We've all been ridiculed at one point or another, man up.
Last edited by Grim; Oct 20, 2015 at 06:31 AM.
♥Team Aikido-[Obey]-OoT-[Vibe]-Team Pokemon♥
Grim before you start that i wanted to ask if we should be writing all tutorials as their own thread or in the knowledge base?
I think it should be in the knowledge base so that everything is kept together in-case we need to update a tutorial or something.
Leader of the Spyder House
Toribash Martial Artists
Originally Posted by Aquita View Post
Grim before you start that i wanted to ask if we should be writing all tutorials as their own thread or in the knowledge base?
I think it should be in the knowledge base so that everything is kept together in-case we need to update a tutorial or something.

that's fine, but i would love to write some tutorials on decapping.
♥Team Aikido-[Obey]-OoT-[Vibe]-Team Pokemon♥
Can someone PM me a roster of all the members that aren't dead? I want to chill with everyone in [TA] but I don't know every single person that is in [TA].
Originally Posted by MoonSick View Post
Can someone PM me a roster of all the members that aren't dead? I want to chill with everyone in [TA] but I don't know every single person that is in [TA].

Pretty much the people posting around here are the non-dead ones.