Holy shit that abortion topic is blowing up. Everyone is going apeshit. Thankfully Ele is here to make sure we don't devolve into trying to prove our points through gladiatorial combat.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
Originally Posted by hawkesnightmare View Post
Holy shit that abortion topic is blowing up. Everyone is going apeshit. Thankfully Ele is here to make sure we don't devolve into trying to prove our points through gladiatorial combat.

Pah, you're just scared since you'd lose.
I absolutely would. You know that supervillain that sits in a control room and forces the hero to go through his house of traps? I'm that guy. Because I am totally not Bane material.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
Originally Posted by Triton View Post
I feel the same way when it comes to new relationships, most girls just seem.. Bleh.

I'd rather wait till the right girl comes around than rush into relationships like a lot of people do and just be disappointed and stressed at the end.

Couldn't sum it up better! I had my chances with ~ girls and decided I didn't want such a relationship, hence I didn't take my chances.
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Yeah if I got a girlfriend half the videos saved on my laptop would become useless to me, and that would be a shame based on how long I spent searching for them.

(Yes it was a bad masturbation joke ok. I apologise. Please don't make me leave.)
Good morning sweet princess
Originally Posted by Zelda View Post
(Yes it was a bad masturbation joke ok. I apologise. Please don't make me leave.)

Zelda please leave
"do it again and i'll insert my giant watermelon dick into your cornhole" ~ Smaguris
Originally Posted by Zelda View Post
(Yes it was a bad masturbation joke ok. I apologise. Please don't make me leave.)

You didn't have to point it out m8.
Leave now
in the name of my glorious sig
Hello I need people who would play games with me please add me on steam

I would very much appreciate (as long as your name isn't Tuna)
I'll add you but all I have is cs:go and it doesn't look like u have it lel. My brother has Europa universalis tho heh.