Originally Posted by -Ze- View Post
I have never received any bans(probably am going to get my first one from "The game") .

I got banned because of me dieing of loneliness in "The Game"
So It wasn't really my fault because redundant is a meany and betrayed me :c

btw this is -Ze- I guess I have an active alt now
Originally Posted by Metriakon View Post
Well. He got banned (Ze), not a good way to join a clan.

You never pay attention do you :P

He got banned cause he lost in the game.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

Yeah. That's the thing I need to work on. Hehe. Anyway, thanks for explaining, I didn't know what 'Dyeing of loneliness in 'The Game'' mean't.
Originally Posted by Metriakon View Post
You're already denied. Write a new, better app next week. Without you being in a clan, and you having a 2nd Dan. And remember to read the front page 5 times, all the way through, from the top to the bottom.

Originally Posted by EJM View Post
No need, denied, already in a clan, not meeting the requirements, and, as usual, copying an non up-to-date app format.

^ this
Well I guess my ban is gone

Originally Posted by Metriakon View Post
Yeah. That's the thing I need to work on. Hehe. Anyway, thanks for explaining, I didn't know what 'Dyeing of loneliness in 'The Game'' mean't.

sorry should of been more specific.
Originally Posted by -Ze- View Post
Well I guess my ban is gone

sorry should of been more specific.

I see nothing wrong with the app so just wait for your background check
Hello I'm back with my second application.Took me long enough huh?To reach 2nd dan :3.So here's my application!

Real Name :My Real Name Is Neacail Grech
In-Game Name :My in-game name is shadow102
Age:I'm 13 year's old
About me :I'm a really patient guy ,I love helping people and playing toribash.I love playing football with my friends.Iv'e been playing toribash for a while now,And i have been playing toribash for 2 years now(Even if I'm Second Dan)
Belt :I'm Second Dan
Any bad history :I never have been banned i just have some useless post
Previous Clans :Ace,Shadow,Zen.I left those clans because i got bored in those clans.
Why do i want to join [Secret]:It seems a pretty interersting clan,alot of people that i know and like as a friend.The mod of the clan is akido which is one of my favourite mods in toribash.

About the replays i'm really sorry i can't find my old replays that i posted in first application and since i download toribash 4.5 I can't find my replays.If you can find my old application please watch those replays!.
Thanks for reading my application.Sorry if my english was bad
I've played TB for nearly 2 years. I'm also a 2nd dan so don't feel alone. Dude.

Anyway, you're denied. You didn't read the whole front-page, the format you used it very similar to the outdated one, so that's an another no-no. And your app wasn't good/long enough.

Goodluck nextweek. Hopefully you will understand your mistakes 3 times the charm, right?

(Wtf, why am I so nice?)