Pretty much most people only age 1 day a day.

But congrats, I was gonna send the congratualion pictures I got for my birthday but my phone keeps crashing.
Rapid Threads Lmod.
Got any questions? Feel free to ask!

Originally Posted by ToasterDan View Post
Happy birthday, you are now 1 year older than you were the day before.

Couple of inches taller than the day before, too.
Originally Posted by Lightningkid View Post
It's my birthday. Praise me for living.

Happy Birthday, you're one year closer to death : D
"do it again and i'll insert my giant watermelon dick into your cornhole" ~ Smaguris
I'm just visiting to see if anyone cared about me leaving, and they haven't, so it looks like I made the right decision.
father of philip scone
Originally Posted by Lightningkid View Post
It's my birthday. Praise me for living.

Today, your body was eligible to get a ticket to go outside the body of the woman who carried your ass for nine months.

Happy birthday!

!Donkey are those Eminem's hands on your background or whatever the fuck it's called?
Last edited by Bulletron; Jul 12, 2015 at 07:41 AM.
a spoon.
I would have no idea?
I got them off this image but blacked out the persons face.


Is that Eminem? If it is, how and why did you know it was his hands?
father of philip scone
Originally Posted by Donkey View Post
I would have no idea?
I got them off this image but blacked out the persons face.


Is that Eminem? If it is, how and why did you know it was his hands?

It's Eminem, confirmed.
Originally Posted by Lightningkid View Post
It's my birthday. Praise me for living.

Congrats for completing yet another Orbit.