Originally Posted by eki27 View Post
HAHHAHA good going guys now iMatrx's sad.

Actually, the first image was made on paint. If i could do that on paint i wonder what i could do in photoshop... And for the gray background red stripes bin laden i made it on sai.

Go guys kill imatrx

Lol what? I'm never sad.

anyway I'm drawing eki27 from another pose

eki construction

Last edited by Oxide; Dec 6, 2015 at 07:13 AM.
you actually admitted to being bin laden
i'm done with osama

now I drew Robert Downey Jr.
I'm not quite done with this

Originally Posted by eki27 View Post
you suck at detailing mang, the tablet would've been put into good use with me ;c

you suck
its a wip motherfucka
Last edited by Oxide; Dec 6, 2015 at 10:17 AM.
you suck at detailing mang, the tablet would've been put into good use with me ;c
boohoo i post wips and they're not detailed must mean i'm shit at detailing

get fucking rekt kid.
and that, that is still a wip.
Originally Posted by eki27 View Post
because you are. lOL your noses are really weird

lmao yes i am
Well if you can, when you get your tablet I challenge you to make a better and more detailed drawing of this, since you think you're better at details.

also, infracted.
Last edited by Oxide; Dec 6, 2015 at 01:05 PM.
(now those drawings are much better)

Alrgiht lets stop this shitty topic.
Guys If I get 5k we will be able to apply to be official again since we only need 12k and I have 7k already.

Should I just sell the daymo hat? we would use it as a prize in the event but getting official is more important, right?
Last edited by Onsola; Dec 6, 2015 at 03:17 PM.
i have no idea what to post so heres a kitten for you guys just because im bored

Lets talk about why do you want this to become official and what will you do when we archive that.

I want this to become official so we start making history in the world of toribash. Even thought we are starting to be noticed, once we become official everyone who is active in forums will know about us. It will be then when we will raise our awareness and with lots of effort we might even get legendary since the most important official clans are now dying, Its time for the new generation to rise.

what will I do when we get official? well first I will laught a lot, really, a lot. Then I will become even more stric for a few weeks and then we all will be chilling in the thread, maybe start warring to remove those guys from Wapow ffrom the first place in ranking, who knows?
I will also start making random events and tutorials and shit, just for fun.
Last edited by Onsola; Dec 6, 2015 at 03:27 PM.