Endurance Onslaught 6.0
I’ll get your app today zibril. I’ll wait a day or 2 to see if anyone else gets to yours lionet since im not super comfortable with realism replays but if nobody else takes it I’ll do my best
you know what they say, better late than never

i still suck at dms

i still suck at dms was a pretty short and sweet replay, I like the movement a lot.
everything from the start to the first kick looked pretty good in my opinion
The second rotation, after the first kick felt a bit slow towards the end, which made it look a bit awkward and out of place.
the last kick looked pretty bad in my opinion, because of the angle you choose to kick from.
although this replay wasnt bad at all it just feels like a worse version of bisonics carousel replay.
going for basic concepts such as this is totally ok but you'd have to execute them extremely well and/or add something unique for it to stand out among the rest.

so what now dude

I like that you started the replay in 100 ed, that's pretty rare nowadays.
the kicks in this replay were a lot better angled and looked more powerful.
finishing the replay with a decap skeet from a close distance is something that i've seen a ton of by now but because you decided to use his thigh instead of your own hand made it a little bit less standard of an ending.
there was a little bit of twitching going on in this replay but the main issue I had was that in 385 it looked like you were going for a manip but accidentally dm'd his knee.
having something in your replay looking like you did not intend to do is usually a pretty bad thing in my opinion
but yeah overall this replay was pretty good and compared to the first replay it was a lot less basic and managed to catch my attention a lot more.
a tip for the future is to grab the object you are trying to skeet with this part of the hand, it makes it a lot easier to aim the skeet and looks way better


wtf bro

the knee twitch at bothered me a little bit 468, i think it would've looked better if you waited a few more frames to extend the knee, both because it would look less twitchy and because you would've gained more power.
the 2 first kicks were pretty neat, they both put you in a better spot and lifted uke at the same time, gj
the following hit in 348 was good as well, it gave uke a decent bit of momentum without runing yours too much, the one afterwards however ruined yours
at 284 you almost stopped uke in the air, it looks pretty lame when a manip hit slows uke down instead of giving or maintaining his speed.
same deal with 240 and your left hand at 176, this replay would've been way better if you focused as much on how uke moves as your tori
the kick combo in the end looked good, so did your movement

im unfortunately going to say no because it feel like you're good but you dont bother focusing on details or try making your replays stand out.
if you did and applied again im sure you'd be able to get in easy peasy
im pretty tired so dont hesitate to hit me up in case i missed something or anything was unclear o7
thank you very much, I'll be waiting patiently
<[Vector]Aadame> damn pat with his mod skills
Need help? PM me! Reach me on Discord: Lionet#1325

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Tricking #7 :
isn't something i'd put up on the wowfactor of things, but it's overall fluidity and persistance of being realistic is close to flawless in a way. It's a great replay just that the tricks overall are verry "meh cool i guess". Spice it up a little, and honestly would like a little more speed to it. If anything i'd recommend doing some replays in Bouncenotramp.tbm as it's just easier and more fun to do ridiculous fun stuff.

Selfspar #4:
Fun replay to look at with a semi type to what you'd see in a ceographed fight for MMA schools and such. There's also includement of hard moves with such as the semi manip at 1300, as i've said before to you the thing i enjoy most about you is your recoveries and transitions, adding onto that with your flow. But. The intensity i like to see from really good spars isn't there, you get a lot of distance from uke and tori alot with a lot of downtime that makes it dull in a way. (it's overall really well done) and again as for the tricking replay, i would like more impressive things like the smaller manip, the backkick you did at 1600 ish, and towards the end with the grappling, it spices it up more and gives a wow factor.

#Parkour #7:

Your running is really fun to look at and it's like that overall with your parkours, your flow and execution is on point and you yet again amaze me with great recoveries and transitions that just are flowy and good looking, the ending part towards the breakdance move at the little wall untill the ending x out pose was fun and interesting, only issue being your hands look like they were on LSD.

It's a great parkour, only thing that it's verry short and not much to critisice onto. And from what i know and have seen of you isn't the standards i'd want to see in this app.

Overall you are impeccably good at keeping flow and trying to do realism based stuff in your replays. I'm leaning towards a yes but i have an issue with the thing of. Your replays are quality wise really great, but there's lack in the "wow factor" and originality or interesting ideas.

So for this time i'm sadly saying No, but for your next app if you keep the practice and making replays as your pace is right now, you're in no doubt of getting in. Unless the votes overrwrite it, (sadly probably will be hard as the recruiters of recent are verry dead). But for now that's where i stand.
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.
thanks xioi
I'll keep practicing and trying to pull out some cooler moves and ideas
I might be back in 3 months (is that the time I have to wait until next app?)
<[Vector]Aadame> damn pat with his mod skills
Need help? PM me! Reach me on Discord: Lionet#1325

Watch my Replays!

Everything else remains the same, you still need to wait 1 month until you can apply again.

So nah, just 1 month not 3
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.
I'm pretty sure that rule doesn't apply anymore as the last tile anyone mentioned it was when the org had a lot of applicants
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .