Post here for reminders of people if there not on irc.

I got one. Fear update the memberlist n' stuff.
Oh i totally loved your comic it was so cool.
Oh man awesome shieet man oh man just great man lol'd man haha man lmao man that was cool man manmanmanamnamanmanamnammn
Post your story!
Hello there.

This thread is dedicated to the posting of some of your stories.
Got any cool experience to tell about, any crazy thing you did in the past, or even something you like about yourself and would like to share? post it here!

Ill start:

1. Im a radio broadcaster.

Since I was 14, I used to produce radio programs on the Internet, Now the radio is not in the web anymore but in actually radio stations.

2. Iv'e been already hit by a van.

Yeap, while helping my dad at his work, some crazy stupid exploded me with a Volkswagen. I ended up underneath the van and just went out of there, like, 20 minutes later. 0-0

3. I have a tattoo.

Whoa incredible! (¬¬) i have one im my right wrist, its not too large but its real anyway :3

4. I was also 14 when i went to my first rock show.

But i think iv'e already told that.

Well, use the 'layout' above to post your stories, I may have more than those 4 but i cant remember them right now. that might be why theire not so interesting...
ya soooo........tried adding them, for some reason only sid's worked....and SOMEHOW.....the "how to get promoted" turned into a %.....i wasnt even editing that part soooo.....Fear. Get to work.

<~Fear> fuck, Pv2Caribou is that you?
<~Fear> you look like you suplex fucking rhinos