I use a mac too. It works really well for some things. The reason ele is having problems is because he tried turning his mac into a windows pc.
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
I'm going through what's called a culture shock. It gave me asthma.

My old school is really tiny. Our daily routine is basically: sit in the classroom, leave to eat, sit in the same classroom again, go home.

In college, I have to transfer from room to room for classes, and sometimes leave for lunch, and my college is huge as fuck. My body is new to all the walking, and being asthmatic, shit happened.

So... yeah... How you guys been?
a spoon.
I've been pretty well, being in Phoenix Arizona in the scorching hot weather isn't too bad. Plus I'm supposed to be going hiking soon (oh God).

I'm pretty glad my Step brother has Internet and all that so I can still check up and post from my phone, it'll be nice though when I'm officially back from vacation, which is like August 8th or something.
"do it again and i'll insert my giant watermelon dick into your cornhole" ~ Smaguris
Have fun hiking Triton. I'm sure it'll be fun and worth it. I'm being facetious

Originally Posted by Bulletron View Post
In college, I have to transfer from room to room for classes, and sometimes leave for lunch, and my college is huge as fuck. My body is new to all the walking, and being asthmatic, shit happened.

I feel ya, brother. My uni campus (and Sparky can vouch for this) is basically one giant concrete hill, with all the classes at the top and all the food places down the bottom. Swear to god my calves doubled in size during the first semester.
Originally Posted by Ele View Post
Have fun hiking Triton. I'm sure it'll be fun and worth it. I'm being facetious

I feel ya, brother. My uni campus (and Sparky can vouch for this) is basically one giant concrete hill, with all the classes at the top and all the food places down the bottom. Swear to god my calves doubled in size during the first semester.

You're on the same school as sparky that gm?
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