Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Hello, I haven't seen you around much so I assume you came back recently or haven't been posting your stuff.

CranialConundrum: Pretty impressive replay actually, especially the decap. As the replay went on you had to make more precise adjustments to keep you head in your general direction and juggle it around, so there are a few points where you're a bit jittery, but everything else looks good, the kick at the end looks particularly cool.

HotDogWater: Standard madman, it's well made, but it doesn't have an edge that would make it stand out from the other dozens of replays that look similar. The skeet in the end is a nice touch, I like that you didn't grab for it and it was very quick and unobtrusive.

ShittyRick: For today's tricking standards it's a bit unremarkable, the lumbar bending completely one way or another under your own weight sticks out in particular. I think you could have made your movement more effective and gathered more momentum; in the first jump it feels like your arms raise from a position that is already pretty high, if you had them lower and swung them upwards you could have had a better jump perhaps.

The replays are cool but we've tried to keep the standard for joining at "wow inducing", so my vote is naturally a no. It seems you know your way around, what's left is ambition and perfectionism to make something truly impressive and iron out the imperfections. I hope to see you again.
oh yeah
No worries, It always helps to get an outside view. thanks for the advice and review.
[fl0w][OoT][OLDA][Team Wushu]
No problem, I was going to post here days ago but it escaped my mind, sorry about that.

magnum: Your movement looks strange in the first half of the replay, sometimes as if you were moving joints back and forth before committing to the movement. Example: between frames 1175 and 1160 your right knee bounces in and out before you extend it again. It's a small thing but the E button exists so if you want to make your replays as good as possible you can fix everything to look as you want it to.

The dms are pretty good, I am a fan of the double kick after the split. The throw and kick at the end were sweet too. Nice replay overall although the first half looks weird to me as I said.

collusion: Cool opener, your movement looks nice in this one. The way you spin uke's torso is great. The dms are as common as you can get, split -> grab -> kick -> grab -> kick, as if you wanted to get the hits as quick as possible. They're not poorly done but they're uninspired, they've been done a million times before. The skeet was inconsequential, the replay would have been the same without it for me.

Nutmeg_trip: This was my favourite of the three replays, the manip is not perfect but it is pretty long and looks good. The first hit is great, after that you went back to the grab -> kick -> grab -> kick routine. The first kick was pretty good so the grab is justified, but the second kick was almost pointless, I would have prefered something more planned instead of just kicking it immediately because you can. Your leg was also very close to uke so you didn't get much time to prepare the kick, that's why it was so weak and looked worse than the previous one. The skeet is actually pretty cool, you probably wanted to get a decap with the skeet but I like the idea of using it to push uke and get the ground impact dms.

My vote is no, the replays are nice but at times it looks like you want to get the hit in quickly so you go for the most boring option (kicking immediately) instead of doing something more creative or that would look better. I would like to see more different positions and hits instead of just spinning around and kicking away when you get the chance. Or you could try to perfect your movement and hits so that you become amazing at spinning and kicking. I hope to see you again, thanks for applying, and sorry for taking so long.
oh yeah
Thanks for the strict critics, it is needed in such a case. Well, I will make new replays with considering of your recommendations in free time.
[HACK] [Replayz]

Hi, I hope you dont mind that it's me reviewing. I promise I will try to remember what a replay looks like.

casting shadows: Floppy in a cool way, your tori is very relaxed but at the same time your movements are mostly synchronised so there's nothing that sticks out, looks stylish to me. The only bit I would have revised is at 140, when you use your right leg to push off the ground, your left arm takes a bit too long to swing accordingly. Everything else looks fine though, very cool replay.

silence: This replay is sweet

darkness, hesitation: Not a fan of the opener, arms move around more than they need to for you to just flip over like you did. The manip itself is nice though. Having to wait for foothold in order to swing around for the skeet also turns me off, especially since you're just floating, doing nothing while waiting to touch the ground.

First two replays I like very much the third one not really. I was thinking of a yes but the third replay just left a bit of a bad taste that I can't ignore. You can post another replay to replace the third if you'd like to change my mind. You don't have to post immediately, do it if/when you think you have one that is good enough. Until next time
oh yeah