Honestly pusga, that is how most of the edits looks like these days.
People are inactive because of school and want to make something quick.
I havn't been editing for two weeks. I got one hour yesterday, and I wanted to make atleast something.
And another reason why people don't edit as much as before, is because there is no motivation to do it.
People want new shit, not see the same stuff in a long video. Thats why some people put multible edits into one video.
actualy if there could be a new game...
there would be more edits...

why dont you try to do editting in S4 League?
it's pretty cool... (i just problems with my GPU so i cant rly do something cool)
.: Kratos <3 ][ Tricerafi ( Evil Twin) <3 ][ Raiken & Kaito <3 ][ Manta <3 ][ NvSfocus ][ Wylde][ Pure ][ Trocher3 ][ Shrook :.
~I got Death and a Vampire as Waifus ~
I meant record you using whatever editing program you use then add some of dat fanzy effects. Was just a joke though.
PM me with any and all questions
Originally Posted by Hours View Post
Honestly pusga, that is how most of the edits looks like these days.
People are inactive because of school and want to make something quick.
I havn't been editing for two weeks. I got one hour yesterday, and I wanted to make atleast something.
And another reason why people don't edit as much as before, is because there is no motivation to do it.
People want new shit, not see the same stuff in a long video. Thats why some people put multible edits into one video.

Quality>Quantity, take your time to make a good video instead of rushing a 5 seconds one.

And does it really matter that much what other people think to the point where you make your videos to please them? I thought editing was done for yourself. Don't try to pull fans in, the real fans will come if they like the stuff you do, not the stuff you want them to like.