Him and Nigh also brought the clan to the highest point they have reached so far. If they didn't come I don't know If all the good things would have happpened like Dox changing the Clan page or the opening of the Leaf Dojo.
Hm. I was afraid to post here cause you will probably see this as a meddling of the outsider, but since this will also affect some of my mayor decisions about my stay in TB I just have to...
I was reading some posts from Romanovsky and it seams he is just a guy who doesn't make compromises and tend to be a little... harsh... which is his way and you can't do nothing about it. He will be water and you will be rock, that is the constant clash in which only time prevails. Damn, what a stupid philosophic though :P.
So I have just one question: Will Dojo be opened with some new teacher or will this service of teaching will be provided by some of his students?
I have to ask this cause I'm right now in the crossroad. Ether I get better in game or became just one more gray name on the list of the TB ghosts...
Last edited by 8OJ4N; May 2, 2010 at 06:09 PM.
for now, the school is closed, Not for ever, but just for now. I need time to think of who will lead it, and who is still in it.
Aka jusmi.
Alright, I have too many students to quit. As much as my other self would not care, I can't leave anyone hanging, so until I get a new thread, I will continue teaching my peers. Hope you don't mind me posting here Dox, just need to alert my people. Who are still here.
For the 100th time, copy, the thread you made, then go to the orgs forum, click make a new thread, paste, and your done.
Aka jusmi.