Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Okee deh, haha. Emg ya kalo kalo jago art ato marketting tuh bisa dpat tc dgan gampang

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Originally Posted by Karvian View Post
Anybody here.... yang mau mengubah username? Jika iya, berikan menjadi apa dan alasannya ;

Jase is simple and me.

Originally Posted by Shocktrooper View Post
jadi Shock
karena shocktrooper kepanjangan + homo.

tapi kalo ada yang mau namechange i haz sgueshscun:
- Lucifer.

simple and sexy.

Faggot that's a devil name, the king devil.
Enigma | Indonesian?
rip aelise, she wil b remembrd
Originally Posted by Karvian View Post
Anybody here.... yang mau mengubah username? Jika iya, berikan menjadi apa dan alasannya ;

Saya mau gani username saya jadi Pseudonym.
Originally Posted by wikipedia
A pseudonym is a name that a person or group assumes for a particular purpose, which differs from his or her original or true name (orthonym).

Pseudonym = nama samaran.
Originally Posted by thedafa13 View Post
SVERN That's useless, I already know you Muahahahahaha
Btw mine:
Kancut or Darf/Daf (NOT DWARF)

Hahaha, knp harus kancut coba?

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Originally Posted by Nemooooo View Post
Hahaha, knp harus kancut coba?

You know, he's a robber. His target is other people panties.
u wot m8
Originally Posted by thedafa13 View Post
- Gampang Diinget
- Dipake setiap hari
- And sexy

That's the main reasons, obviously.
u wot m8