Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Agreed if you have a skype space shoot it to me via pm. So we can begin chatting more about this instead of spamming this.
RMO chat is here for a reason man. It needs activity anyway so lets just post here.

So destram and Viper can see it too.
Turning over a new leaf!
Well i can't be active anymore since the school exam is coming. Sometimes i just checked the forum to reply some post lel.
As long as we get posts coming in. Keep low on the spam though lets at least have reasonable conversations.
Turning over a new leaf!
Yes ofc. Also I wonder if for this next tourney gm's can supply the prizes cause well I'm a bit low on tc for now.
If they end up not liking it we could always use an IRC. I like IRC way more than Skype.
Turning over a new leaf!
We have an official IRC channel called #mma. I am always there, so is Viper most of the time.

Also GMs are not going to fund normal ingame tourneys. If you want to host one for RMO just pm me and I will give you the TC to host, as I said.
Alright then..

Now that we have that settled what are you guys up too?
Turning over a new leaf!
Just a little feedback why I'm so fucking inactive over the last time (even if Destram knows the story):

Was short before a 3rd burn out and had to take a step back from work and anything that produce unnecessary stress (order from doc). It was really serious this time, really short before a full body collapse.
Anyway, I'm not totally fading away, if there are REALLY important things you can always throw me a message or, if you have the addy, poke me at Skype. But please, don't spam my Skype with useless stuff

For the time I'm inactive I throw anything over to Destram (maybe pick a 2nd guy for helping out?)
Keep the orga running guys!!!
Check my Soundcloud ;)