So, after a bit of research, the starters from all official games are as followed. Some may be reverted back to previous evos, and I might not include some single evos.

Gens 1-6

Pikachu (Yellow)

Eevee (XD)

Shinx, Gible, Starly, Dratini, Rhyhorn, Pidgey (Poketopia M and F)

Scraggy, Mincinno, Foongus, Axew, Deino (Pokedex 3D)

Meowth, Psyduck, Machop, Cubone, Skitty (Poke Mystery Dungeon R/B)

Munchlax (Poke Mystery Dungeon Explorers of time and darkness)

Phanpy, Vulpix, Riolu (Poke Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky)

Tediursa, Buneary, Growlithe (Poke Mystery Dungeon Keep Going! Blaze Adventure Squad

Wooper, Wynaut, Azurill (Poke Mystery Dungeon Let's Go! Stormy Adventure Squad

Pichu, Togepi, Mareep, Elekid, Pachirisu (Title above, Light Adventure Squad)

Rattata (Poke Rumble)

Might be some repeats here and there, but afaik those are starters from every official Pokemon Game.
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Fear sucks eggs