Oh my Lorde, a clan of people that have a scrap of common sense! :') I never thought I'd see the day. I wish you guys the best of luck with your clan, and I hope I see you around the forums more often.
Originally Posted by pouffywall View Post
Oh my Lorde, a clan of people that have a scrap of common sense! :') I never thought I'd see the day. I wish you guys the best of luck with your clan, and I hope I see you around the forums more often.

*put glasses on*

Indeed my dear wall, we are straight-minded people who wants to have and give loads and loads of fun to this [insert compliment here] community.

*glasses off*
Originally Posted by Ele View Post
Ahah, valid point there Nerti - updated it.

Also - I think we should start thinking of ways to rearrange the members plaques (perhaps into one image) so all the names can fit on one screen.

A tree with names on it would look pretty I guess.

Originally Posted by Ele View Post
Alrighty then! 10k to CounterAlt. What's this medal thing?

Voted on The winner. Congrats.

Noticed my rank is Who cares?, lovin' it.
Rapid Threads Lmod.
Got any questions? Feel free to ask!

IIInsanEEE, you might want to change your signature now that the dunk contest is over.
Good morning sweet princess
Actually I changed the Dunk Contest post so people can see the results till I find something else that's equaly useful, maybe other event or the size of your bra.
Last edited by IIInsanEEE; Mar 9, 2015 at 05:53 PM.
Does anyone know why the discussion forum is so dead? I can't shake the terrible feeling that it was me.
Good morning sweet princess
People (especially teenagers) have natural brain-laziness, they rather do not engage in serious topics or discussions because they are A) Boring, B) Not related to them or C) Too much effort to read or write about it.

And here we have plenty of those, with of course a few honorable exceptions people here are not tended to discuss without making it a joke or without insults, this could never be your fault, it's a common behavior, all we have is the hope to host some really good discussions to welcome people to this mind-feeding practice.
Welp, looking back to when the discussion forum was more busy/popular I notice that the level of moderator tolerance was much higher. I feel like I have been being a bit of a logic Nazi and scared some of the less serious posters away.

I am on the verge of making a highly emotionally charged discussion topic thread. Usually I would be discouraged by the cesspools such topics usually create but with the level of activity I have been seeing recently I can't imagine it being much more than a mostly harmless cesspuddle. The reason why there has been a shift of activity from discussion to off-topic is because the sort of things which used to be acceptable in the discussion forum are now only allowed in the off topic section. Although I would be tempted to say that a few valid, good posts every couple of days is better than a continuous load of sub-standard drivel, I feel like the people on the forum prefer sub-forums which tend more towards the latter.

For the member list layout art thing, I feel like if we are going to go big we might as well have a sort of family photo like thing with each of the members represented. It wouldn't have to be super detailed. I also think that, since our artists are working on texture sets for events or tourneys right now (aren't they) we should leave this until later. I don't think it should be a priority.
Good morning sweet princess
For me at least, the topics that are currently open in discussion aren't really appealing to me. I just don't see a reason to say anything more than the one or two points I've made before.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
Originally Posted by Zelda View Post
Welp, looking back to when the discussion forum was more busy/popular I notice that the level of moderator tolerance was much higher. I feel like I have been being a bit of a logic Nazi and scared some of the less serious posters away.

Discussion does not need you to tell people how to behave. When someone feels insulted he'll tell that person himself.
You only need to get involved when things escalate.

At least that's how I saw it. Backseat moderation is a wonderful thing imo