Btw, how did u loose that account? Did it get perma banned? Or u lost password?
Pm me for deals
Nope, I actually lend it to a friend of mine, and he lost to many games, and sold my itens, so when i returned, I just made a new one, just to clean the conscience. :v
I have the other one's password, I just, kinda don't like that account anymore :/
i am a black belt who forgot the password to his 6th dan account,puncher23,i am 14, and mostly a ninjutsu player
forum activity: 6
ingame activity 7
i live in the USA
i have been in (LUA) and (JL)
i was infracted when i was just starting because i sold a google head not knowing it was illegal because i was noob back then lol
The app is to vague, btw, try to use the password reminder or ask for any admin for help and try to get your account back.