
Shows starting this season afaik

Shows carrying on this season afaik

There may well be some missing.
Aimlessly swimming in circumcisions
does anyone know exactly what happened to Love Hina? As far as I know the anime didn't raise enough money to continue and that's why it has a lot of OVAs but I never was sure why

So I was wondering if this is just that or if there are other factors involved or something

Also I wanted to know how Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko ends, if someone can resume it to me.

Similar case to Love Hina, no money, but so much no money that not even the novel was finished so he posted online the end of the story but I'm too lazy to find it and read it ~~ did someone read?
<[Vector]Aadame> damn pat with his mod skills
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I rarely watch anime so i don't know. But, i do read Love Hina's manga
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
Do you folk still use Crunchyroll? I kinda stopped using it a few years ago because I prefer fan subbed anime, but just only got around to cancelling my subscription.

Their site seems to be fairly outdated though, they're only just moving away from Flash to a HTML5 player and still don't have site-wide https, which is a big no-no for security.
Does anyone else here have any opinions on this? From my point of view it seems like CR has gone the way of AT&T, which would make sense as they are one of the majority share holders.


They also recently had a data breach by the looks of it.
Reddit thread.
Reddit archive because it seems the OP was deleted.

This all kinda giving me deja vu of when CR got DNS-Hijacked.
Gee, I wonder how that was possible, definetly not because they don't have sitewide https /s
Last edited by Tuna; Sep 4, 2018 at 02:41 AM.
Aimlessly swimming in circumcisions
i had trial around 2015 and was in the verge of buying premium, but eeh i instantly lost my boner when i discovered that it was blocked where i was going to inhabit at the moment. fan subs always and fan dubs rarely.

im a layperson in IT, but a site of that proportion and which deals with real life currency should at least have a decent security.. not something where an otaku mad about dn ending can hack.

also, does anyone know what happened to My Anime List?
Originally Posted by Tuna View Post
Do you folk still use Crunchyroll? I kinda stopped using it a few years ago because I prefer fan subbed anime, but just only got around to cancelling my subscription.

Their site seems to be fairly outdated though, they're only just moving away from Flash to a HTML5 player and still don't have site-wide https, which is a big no-no for security.
Does anyone else here have any opinions on this? From my point of view it seems like CR has gone the way of AT&T, which would make sense as they are one of the majority share holders.


They also recently had a data breach by the looks of it.
Reddit thread.
Reddit archive because it seems the OP was deleted.

This all kinda giving me deja vu of when CR got DNS-Hijacked.
Gee, I wonder how that was possible, definetly not because they don't have sitewide https /s

B-but they are supporting the industry :^)
I'll be honest, High Guardian Spice didn't play a huge role in making me dislike CR, but that's probably because I didn't have much to like even without that.

It would be interesting to see what funds where used for it though, since I'd presume most of the funding came from investors, not subscribers.

Yuki, MAL is starting to show it's age, it's full of XSS vulnerabilities and because the code is likely to be a clusterfuck so they have to slowly fix it. So while that happens they've limited site access to affected pages. Which is pretty much any page that allows users to post images. afaik.
Aimlessly swimming in circumcisions
Streaming is a mixed bag, I'm lucky enough to have a connection that I can stream 4K with, but in general I'd agree with your statement.
Aimlessly swimming in circumcisions
your connection only matters if the service provides that quality of videos and CR was bad turned awful with constant quality downgrades.