Fernando and his magical journey

[01:09] <Orion> holy shit
[01:09] <Orion> there is a caterpiller on my floor
[01:09] <SidV> ¬-¬
[01:10] <Orion> the caterpiller is fast as fuck though
[01:10] <Orion> its like vroom
[01:10] <Orion> wizing by
[01:10] <Orion> ok now its dead
[01:10] <SidV> i liek capertillar
[01:11] <Orion> too late
[01:11] <Orion> i broke it
[01:11] <SidV> you heartless slut
[01:11] <SidV> .-.
[01:11] <Orion> wait it might be twitching
[01:11] <SidV> NO
[01:11] <Orion> woooah nelly
[01:11] <Orion> its alive
[01:11] <Orion> and movin fast
[01:12] <SidV> kill it already and finish its pain
[01:12] <Orion> did you know caterpillers played dead
[01:12] <Orion> no its fine
[01:12] <SidV> :3
[01:12] <Orion> its hallin ass again
[01:12] <Orion> it climbing my prince of persia ps2 game box
[01:12] <SidV> give it food and shelter it as Fernando
[01:12] <Orion> fernando it shall be
[01:13] <Orion> what do caterpilers eat
[01:13] <SidV> leafs..
[01:13] <Orion> ...
[01:13] <Orion> oh yea
[01:14] <Orion> gonna go make a terrarium brb
[01:14] == Orion has changed nick to orion|terrarium
[01:14] <SidV> hm good luck on that
[01:15] <SidV> make it comfortable...
[01:16] <orion|terrarium> gonna get some dirt and shit
[01:16] <orion|terrarium> a few leafs
[01:16] <Mac> LOL!
[01:16] <SidV> yea green stuff
[01:16] <Mac> add that to irl moments of win
[01:16] <Mac> You gotta
[01:16] <SidV> make it happier
[01:16] <orion|terrarium> you do it mac
[01:16] <orion|terrarium> i'm bussy
[01:17] <orion|terrarium> :D
[01:17] <Mac> i cant copy and paste on this
[01:17] <orion|terrarium> why?
[01:18] <Mac> im on icechat
[01:18] <SidV> how do i post a irc talk/
[01:18] <Mac> Copy and paste
[01:18] <orion|terrarium> the put the [01:18] <orion|terrarium> around it
[01:20] <SidV> ill just make some complements for you ;;
[01:20] == SidV has changed nick to Sid|
[01:20] == Sid| has changed nick to Sid|Bathroom
[01:21] <Mac> Ye
[01:21] <orion|terrarium> :)
[01:21] == Sid|Bathroom has changed nick to SidV
[01:21] <SidV> done, enjoy it
[01:21] <SidV> i had some effort on it :3
[01:22] <orion|terrarium> wait
[01:23] <orion|terrarium> do you mean you posted it or took a shit?
[01:23] <orion|terrarium> ....
[01:24] <orion|terrarium> in other news terrarium complete
[01:24] <SidV> i took a shit
[01:24] <orion|terrarium> oh
[01:24] <SidV> thanks for making me explain the joke >-(
[01:24] <orion|terrarium> sorry
[01:24] <orion|terrarium> its late
[01:24] <SidV> >-( <--a mad cyclops?
[01:24] <orion|terrarium> i got that one
[01:24] <orion|terrarium> ;)
[01:25] <SidV> lol
[01:25] <Mac> You made the terrarium already>
[01:25] <Mac> ?
[01:25] <orion|terrarium> ◙_◙ yes
[01:25] <orion|terrarium> its a cardboard box
[01:26] <Mac> You, cool person
[01:26] <orion|terrarium> with dirt and leafs
[01:26] <Mac> were did you get the leafs and dirt?
[01:26] <orion|terrarium> door next to me
[01:26] <orion|terrarium> leads to THE OUTSIDE
[01:26] <SidV> Ohh
[01:27] <orion|terrarium> were you can find tons of dirt and leafs
[01:27] <Mac> :O
[01:27] <Mac> you have a door to the outside in your room?
[01:27] <Mac> and isnt it dark out. and weren't you scared
[01:27] <orion|terrarium> well not my room
[01:27] <Mac> and
[01:27] <Mac> and
[01:27] <orion|terrarium> and there is a light
[01:28] <orion|terrarium> i'm in my basement tv room
[01:28] <orion|terrarium> there is a door
[01:28] <orion|terrarium> with a light over it
[01:29] <Mac> Scary
[01:29] <orion|terrarium> um
[01:29] <orion|terrarium> the scariest thing in a suburb is angry soccer moms
[01:29] <orion|terrarium> and they don't come out till dawn
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Fernando the caterpillar shall live forever
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