At this point it's pretty much just "review apps whenever you want but try to do it until the next week"
oh yeah
Manitoda- ok so decreased conginuity. Not really much to say about this replay. you move nice short manip was nice except at the start it was a bit awkward. the replay as a whole kind of felt unfinished. i mean you had a short manip and one kick then a skeet at the end. so yeah.

Entities in the nether. ok so opener is smooth and fast. the only problem is your right arm is completely straight until you start to dm uke. nice double knee. the momentum change doesnt reallyh bother me, but the fact that immediately after the double knee you extend your knee looks jerky. nice 3 dm. and again i feel like you could have gone for the legs but just left it there.

Last Sparks. ok so not much to say about this one either. nice opener and decap. thats about all i can say unless i nitpick hella hard.

overall you know how to move really well, but you need to work on your creativity. im going to say no.

ok so Tabby. as i dont really feel like going through each replay ill do an overview. ok so in all of your replays the movement was good for the most part. you were stiff at times, but all of your replays were very samey. also when you got into the dms it seemed like that killed your momentum. im gonna have to say no. just work on being more creative and work on getting dms but also keeping that momentum.
crive: Long story short, the replays aren't bad but they're extremely straight forward, A straight forward replay isn't bad but when you put an application together of 3 replays that have very predictable transitions and hits, I can't tell if it's your decision or if you just haven't tried other processes. The execution is also not bad but it does not make up for the lack of ideas, in my opinion. The first replay is probably the best because nice movements and simple processes go well in a short replay, it reminded me of notnoob a bit even, but the other two replays really could have used a different way of landing the hits and different movements. Simplistic replays can be amazing if everything is perfectly done, so having flawless execution and movements could also be an option. But for now no from me.

First replay is cool, hits aren't spectacularly imaginative but everything's done really nicely. The skeet at the end of a madman is my biggest pet peeve, but I liked how this one bounced off the ground, it wasn't completely inconsequential.
Faster than light is really nice, the highlight for me is how you got the skeet off as quickly as possible, it was a short range easy skeet so making it as fluid and unobtrusive as you could was important to stop it from being just another easy boring skeet at the end of the replay.
Bloody sword is strange, it's probably the weakest replay but I really like how floaty it looks and how "segmented" in movements it is, as if you were floating around and moved sporadically. That said, it's still a little underwhelming after the first solid two replays. The grab before the last hit bothers me a little bit, up until that moment you had been able to keep yourself and Uke in reach for the hits while moving around without grabbing, which was one of the biggest plusses of the replay for me. I'm pretty much on the fence, if any other recruiter posts it's up to them. If you want, you can post another replay to convince me (you can make changes to the 3rd replay and post it, if you want). I do like your replays though, and personally would rather say yes than no :D

manitoda: I like the first replay overall but there's one moment that taints it for me, the second kick at around 380, it is awkward because it's an upwards kick but your body is moving is if it were a kick towards Uke. Plus you are swinging your right arm upwards aswell, which according to physics pushes your whole body down, making the kick weaker. After the kick, your left pec is fully extended and right pec contracted, but your chest still has to completely rotate left, this lack of coordination makes you spin slower and forces you to wait a bit until you can turn around and get your left arm on the ground. I know you probably couldn't rotate your chest earlier because that would send your kick towards Uke instead of upwards, but in these cases where every option seems like a bad one the best thing you can do is try to rework the set up completely.
After that, the replay gets going just fine, it's just that small window that I really don't like.

Second replay is really cool until the grab. I at first didn't catch the extended arm thing that Static mentioned, but it does look a little weird, even if you did do a decent job at using it for leverage in every movement. The knee extension after the kick does not bother me however, I think it's good that you kept Uke in the air rather than letting him fall and doing boring hits. The kick after the grab is a movement that would look fluid and nice, but Uke's body is too heavy and it slowed you down. It hurts the overall replay a bit but I don't mind it very much. I did mind how you tweaked your shoulder at around 225, when you lower it too much and then raise it to grab the head. It's usually not just a matter of appearance but of utility too, if you stop your arm swing and restart it, the swing will be weaker (which causes less momentum, and weaker hits). I do that constantly because I'm lazy to fix those things, but yeah it's bad.

Last Sparks I like this one a lot, but it shows some small problems in your movement that also showed up in the other replays. Generally moving all your bodyparts and limbs together is the optimal way of building momentum and moving around quickly, so synchronising your pecs contracting and extending with the chest rotation is important. It also requires more energy, which is why sometimes if you do all of those things in the same frame, you may notice the chest only starts rotating later. At around frame 90 this is apparent, your chest only starts rotating left after your pecs stop using energy to rotate that same way. Making sure your chest rotates along with the arms swinging makes movement a lot easier because you'll be moving with more momentum (most people also think it looks better).

My vote is a no, but not a "you are not good enough to join" no, it's more that the replays are good but fall short in a few specific things that you are good enough to be able to fix (and that I expect to be ironed out next app).

Tabby: First replay is good, your body bends weird a couple of times when pushing off the floor but that's the nature of -30, however you should try to fix that by planning ahead a bit. I'm particularly lenient on this, I know a lot of people really hate stuff like your right hip forcefully extending at 305.
Second replay is surprisingly nice, considering that it's a very trite succession of hits. Still, all I take from this replay is that your movement is good, which I had already concluded from watching the first replay. The skeet might aswell not exist for me, if anything it's possibly an indication that you knew the replay needed something more.
ok is a very accurate replay name, it shows the same solid movement you had already shown in the previous replays and nothing else significant. This is probably the fifty trillionth time I talk about this-> simplicity in replays is not necessarily bad or indicative of an inept replaymaker, but if we have to evaluate your replays, and your lack of variety in the replays hurts the application, we are forced to assume that it's because it is the whole extent of your abilities. I don't follow your replays closely so I don't know what you're particularly good or bad at, but some of these replays were begging for some variety, different setups and hits and movements, and my conclusion is that you couldn't provide them because you haven't practiced them, and you always gravitate towards the same processes and positions. My vote is no, my advice is practice putting your tori in unusual setups and positions so you can get a greater understanding of how the tori's body works, rather than just going through the motions.
Last edited by pusga; Jan 5, 2018 at 10:55 PM.
oh yeah
Originally Posted by NoLxve View Post
Not gonna say what about me because I know you guys are working on it

Legend tells if you pray at the Temple of Recruiters on an alt and not say who you are your plead will fall on deaf ears
oh yeah
Originally Posted by pusga View Post
Legend tells if you pray at the Temple of Recruiters on an alt and not say who you are your plead will fall on deaf ears

I knew this was gonna happen bruv i'm not an alt I've literally been playing this game for 4 years I just hopped from accounts often but my most memorable account is Suion because I used it to make a mockery of my lord himself.
Originally Posted by NoLxve View Post
I just put down a couple words so I look like an interesting person

your replays are okay but they aren't much more than that

you have some pretty good movement, and i can tell you're trying to keep the replays relatively original, which is good, but your replays lack overall mmph
try to focus on finishing the replay with a bang, weird movements and a couple spins will only get you so far if the overall product is lackluster

i'd say just keep making replays and the creative spark/skill to make even doper replays will come, you're clearly on the right path with what you've shown us

Last edited by millie; Jan 6, 2018 at 08:31 AM.

hello again
really glad i got a chance for another replay
i used my old replay (Worst Decap Ever) opener to make this
this is cause pusga asked for another replay for him to vote
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M - Moving in circles.rpl (471.3 KB, 23 views)
Last edited by Deni; Jan 6, 2018 at 02:28 PM.
Ormo | TANG | Tk | RSO
Originally Posted by NoLxve View Post
I knew this was gonna happen bruv i'm not an alt I've literally been playing this game for 4 years I just hopped from accounts often but my most memorable account is Suion because I used it to make a mockery of my lord himself.

If you knew, you could have just said who you are right away Any way please don't take offence to it, it's just that we get alts once in a while and when we ask them about it they say idk what you're talking about, and it's annoying that we don't know if we're wasting our time on someone who's just fucking around and doesn't need our help/validation.

About your app, I probably wouldn't be as harsh as Orko, but he is right in saying that the replays are well made and somewhat original, just short of being impressive by lack of content beyond those things. For example everything in 69 and diseases is well done, but it looked like the replays ended right when you were faced with some adversity (in 69, after the two kicks you were left in a position with which it would be hard to continue moving like you were so far, and in diseases you're left slightly floating away from Uke). I generally account for when someone knows when to end a replay because there are few remaining options to continue it, but in this case it seemed like what you did before the replays ended was just short of enough to convince that the movement (which is always good and interesting in these replays) could carry the replays. These two replays seemed like they were really great replays that were cut short because you couldn't do the ukebashing without compromising your movement. I think the replays could be very good if you capitalised on the movement more or found a way to perserve the movement when killing Uke.
No Lovin is sweet though, your floppy movement looks very good in it. This one is more or less what I wanted from the other ones, you're able to keep your hectic movement while manipulating Uke and destroying him (partially in mid air and without resorting to grabbing even). So yeah that's my thoughts on the replays, I vote no aswell but it's a soft no, you're definitely good enough just present some replays that focus on your strengths.

denilumi: Hi again, sorry but I think this is a no from me, I feel exactly the same as I did before watching this replay, it's definitely a nice replay but if your app left me on the fence then this replay would have to be a bit more impressive than what you already showed me to steer me into a yes. That said, if you keep practicing I'll be surprised if you don't get in next time. Small note, sometimes when you pose you do the 2011 extend knee or elbow for two frames while holding all to adjust the pose, preferably you would want to try and make it so you smoothly "fall" into the pose.
oh yeah