Endurance Onslaught 6.0
fizz is a faceroll champ and easy to game with , just get a bunch of AP and magic pen boots.

Q+W the use E to escape

if ulti
R+Q+W and use E to escape

continuesly keep killinge everyone

fizz never got nerfed and his a lil OP fishmutant thing

kennen and rumble are but OP to kennen is easy to play with tho
Originally Posted by fat0ninja View Post
Check here for some good fizz guides. Solomid.net is a great place for guides ^^

Oh, and @Fivah: Do not build wits end on singed. He doesn't autoattack, and that means that the attack speed and the magic damage applied on hit is wasted. For MR, get a force of Nature. And get your E at level 1, then max your q. That's where your damage comes from. Rush a catalyst, then decide on whether to build a Rod of Ages (if you're doing well) or start a force of nature/banshees veil/some armour if you're not doing so well. And don't get boots of speed, they aren't as good as other boots. I normally go for merc treads.

For garren, start boots and /doran's shield then get one or two doran's blades, then start a fratmas/atmogs or something. An infinity edge doesn't hurt either. Garen is quite a decent tank without going full tank. And again, boots of speed? not a good idea.
EDIT: Also a brutaliser is pretty strong on Garren early game as well.

Bro I totally meant force of nature, have no idea why I said Wits, must've got confused.
Back for good.
Viktor is surprisingly useful now. Facerolled an annie at mid, high fives ensued.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
It's a term for the bottom of the sea. Usually, seafarers "go there" when they die due to drowning/lost at sea/etc.

<suomynona> It might kill you, but, that's the worst it'll do
Originally Posted by cocacobra View Post
If you follow any of those guides except for the AP one I have worries for you. I don't even agree with all of the ap build, AS on fizz is dumb, i dont know why anybody does it. All the runes are completely off
you should get mpen marks, flat armor seals, ap/lvl glyphs and potency quints.
I can kind of understand the on hit effect fizz but still wouldn't build it

ive decided i want the new person instead of rumble or kennen the under water awesome looking reminding me of fizz person

You do realise that there are several different ways to build fizz, right? AP is how they recommend you play him, AS and on hit all take advantage of the great base scalings on his w.

Oh, and @fivah thank god, I was worried for a second :L
Originally Posted by Zazo View Post
Lessons learnt: Never chase a singed, a teemo nor a shaco. Anyone else missing?

never chase me if im kennen.
or any good kennen.

seriously, so easy for him to stun you if he has 3/4 of his abilities.

Originally Posted by TheSecret View Post
kennen and rumble are but OP to kennen is easy to play with tho

i dare you to verse a good kennen and say that. seiriously, kennen has an easy stun on him, yes. But initiate as kennen, and get kills/help get kills means a pro kennen, and it aint as easy as you may think.
Last edited by Przero; Feb 10, 2012 at 01:21 PM.