Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Feel like making fizz my main, though I might suck cause I'm the tank guy. Wanna help me out with a build coca?
Originally Posted by Zazo View Post
Feel like making fizz my main, though I might suck cause I'm the tank guy. Wanna help me out with a build coca?

What do you mean by that?

Oh and your a tank guy?

I like tanks and range :3

Who's your guys best champion?

I like using Shen, Teemo, and Amumu :3
I'm going to tryout some more people. And no i'm not new. I just stick with 1,2, or 3 champions.

Who should I save up for..?
Currently my main is volibear, and I'm asking cocacobra for a Fizz build, mobafire doesn't always work for me.
On Fizz you just wanna build a ton of ap and almost always Magic Pen boots, while grabbing the ap items that give you resistances and health along the way.
Hey got canned heat in my heels tonight baby
You know know know I'm gonna dance yeah
Originally Posted by purangel View Post
What do you mean by that?

Oh and your a tank guy?

I like tanks and range :3

Who's your guys best champion?

I like using Shen, Teemo, and Amumu :3
I'm going to tryout some more people. And no i'm not new. I just stick with 1,2, or 3 champions.

Who should I save up for..?

If you like off-tanks like shen and amumu, try out Garen and Singed. They're bad-ass and can't take a shitload of damage while still dishing some out if you build them right.
For singed, I build:
Dorans shield
Speed boots
rod of ages
warmogs or Force of nature(depends if the enemy is more ap heavy or not)
Tear/Atmas(depending if you wanna be more tanky of have a little ad damage to go with your poison)
Gaurdian angel

You could also build him more mana heavy, because his passive gives him health for every something% of mana he has.

You will also want to buy his E as your first skill(Unless you wanna buy a good amount of static mana-regen runes, but they're only needed for the first 5 levels then you're basically set after the RoA) as his poison just drains too much mana earlygame and you will have to back constantly(unless running clarity(which I do)).
Full AP runes is the way I roll, baby.

For Garen, I build:
Dorans Blade
Boots of speed(I love speed boots on tanks as you can tell)
Warmogs or a Force of nature
gaurdian angel(for early game tanking, he doesnt really need much ad early because of his Q, E burst)
Frozen Mallet

You also wanna pick his W as the first skill, as every minion kills gives you something like 4 armour and magic resist for a max up to about 50 at level 5 of it.

I usually go W, E then Q. Maxing W first, E second then Q third.
I put in a mixture of armour and mr runes.
Last edited by Fivah; Feb 9, 2012 at 10:57 PM.
Back for good.
Had a ranked game with Numbers before.

I went 5/0/5 caitlyn, and Numbers went 1/1/4 Gangplank. Was funny because he had 250+ cs by the end of it (25-30 minute mark.) And nobody really knew we had a gangplank because he was solo top and spent the whole game farming.
New Zealand

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<Muur> Ah, good old Dutch Wall Sex..
<~Fish> I love handling dicks
Originally Posted by Zazo View Post
Currently my main is volibear, and I'm asking cocacobra for a Fizz build, mobafire doesn't always work for me.

Check here for some good fizz guides. Solomid.net is a great place for guides ^^

Oh, and @Fivah: Do not build wits end on singed. He doesn't autoattack, and that means that the attack speed and the magic damage applied on hit is wasted. For MR, get a force of Nature. And get your E at level 1, then max your q. That's where your damage comes from. Rush a catalyst, then decide on whether to build a Rod of Ages (if you're doing well) or start a force of nature/banshees veil/some armour if you're not doing so well. And don't get boots of speed, they aren't as good as other boots. I normally go for merc treads.

For garren, start boots and /doran's shield then get one or two doran's blades, then start a fratmas/atmogs or something. An infinity edge doesn't hurt either. Garen is quite a decent tank without going full tank. And again, boots of speed? not a good idea.
EDIT: Also a brutaliser is pretty strong on Garren early game as well.
Last edited by fat0ninja; Feb 9, 2012 at 11:11 AM.
Originally Posted by Zazo View Post
Currently my main is volibear, and I'm asking cocacobra for a Fizz build, mobafire doesn't always work for me.

If you need to look up a build don't use mobafire, use solomid.net .
It tends to have less trash.