I know it's sad
I owned a PS2 when I was a kid
shit xioi, you have all the ps and xboxs
how man
you're a fkin carpenter
fo fucks sake

tell us what you really do ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
but seriously man
Didn't want to brake it to you,

I'm with the CIA,
I sell lemonade as a disuise...

And yea, i've got a Little cabbin that looks like a toolshedd near my house where i have bookshelves everywhere with just fucking games.

Most of my consoles are in there aswell, only use the Xbone,Ps4 and Pc atm

But at times it's Always fun to just take a session with Super Mario 64 or Legend of Zelda Windwaker or whatever x)

And most of the older consoles my parents bought for me, i only bought one of the Gamecubes and from the ps3/Xbox360 era.
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.
Originally Posted by Xioi View Post
What consoles does everyone own?

i just have a wii u and an xbox 360 i haven't used since like 2013
i might get a ps4, just cause 3 and black ops 3 for hanukkah tho. its either that or just a play station. my friend told me you can get 2 free games when you by a ps4 so hopefully he's right
jew 4 lif

And i recommend JC3 like fuck.

It's fucking brilliant.
They pretty much took one of my favorite games ever JC2, And just improved it in every way.
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.
consoles, we own a Wii and an old PS2 and PS1, we also have 3 psps, 1 has a broken LCD and the other two lost their chargers :<
I have an atari, a sega and a ps 2 Dx

damn xioi your pc is a monster, you could play whatever you want on it with grphics at maximun and still get good fps
I wish I had such a good pc. I guess when I stat working I will be able to buy one for myself, because yh most ppl here dont work and our parents wont let us spend so much money on such things
Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooo,

However i'll probably not be Active at all almost untill the 11th from tomorrow so going back quite fast lol.

Got a couple of things to round up Before i take my own christmas brake for almost a month, (not had a brake over a month in about 6 years)
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.
Originally Posted by Xioi View Post
Got a couple of things to round up Before i take my own christmas brake for almost a month, (not had a brake over a month in about 6 years)

oh damn thats a long time without breakes, have you been working since you were 19? or you just didnt take any breaks at the university?