I'm going to name my child rice
what about your child?
I'm going to name my child rice
what about your child?
Last edited by Donkey; Aug 17, 2015 at 07:28 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
father of philip scone
wall of text inbound
hello ultimate my name is tochukwu (in real life) and i can help ultimate in many ways tc wise item wise recruting wise just as long as its not art i can do it for you if you evn if you need a fucking dog i will do it for you. plus i can do many mods the only mods im not good at are wushu and erth tk although if i need to learn them will. in short im decent at any mod i need to do witch should be helpful in wars in cause you need me to do a weird mode i can do it. furthermore for how long i play im online every day litterly even single day im playing for about the whole day so when you login and search for me i will me online. (and yes im kinda addicted just a little.) also if i had to say my favorite mod it would be aikidobigdojo.tbm it is the only mod i really play iand i think that is the mod i play the most unless my toribash glithes and i cant join a certain server for some reason :/ althogh i mostly play in privte server unless there is a server that is not croweded with a lot of people. to countinue my application (im totally creative with my transitions XD) if you send a pm or send anything to me in furoms i will check it evey morning im always on furoms 24/7 starting at when i wake up so if anything happens there ill know although my post count is is really low i do check post on furoms and post anywhere to be honest it just low cuse i dont post unless i have to or unless i need i also somtimes dont have much to say cuse there isnt much i can say to post that are like a year old XD or to post that dont mean much :/ but if its a pm i will always reply. as for my toribash experiace when i was a noob all i ever plyed was judo (like all noobs do) but i was really good at it (or it was luck etheir one is true) i was able to beat god belts but ill stop talking about that cuse that was the past and you probly dont care about skill. but while is was a noob i tried other mods and learned form people and peple tought me some moves like how to snap kick and thats when i started getting better at toribash and then i started doing mods like aikido nad mushu etc. thats how i started adapting to other mods (except wushu and erth tk) so once i got better i started trying my moves against better players like poeple way hight belt even now when im a 3rd dan i trian with higher level poeple like custom belts and god belts etc. so that is my toribash experiacne for you like it? i hope you do. as for my skype it is favor.godswill btw it says im 35 yeah... thats a lie. as for me i consider my self a pretty good person i try to be friends with everone i meet although somtimes they hate me on sight for no reason when i dont even know the person :/ i dont rage much i would only rage if somthing like when im about to win a 1 mill. toruney and then i lose to the guy hacking or a maxcontacts glith othwise i wont rage im not that kinda of guy also for my life my hoobies dont really have them although if i needed one it your be palying vidoe games as for now for the sports i play they would be soccer and basketball im a beast at soccer but im still learning basketball from my cousins so if you see me in real life PLEASE DONT CHALLENGE ME TO A BASKETBALL MATCH the result would be my ankles broken and me lying on the floor crying. that is my application enjoy and i hope i get in the clan
p.s if it says im sill in a clan im not it is probly a glitch and im pretty sure it should let me still join a clan.
~ regards tochukwu
Originally Posted by FoJoTheFox View Post
I'm gonna name the first daughter diamond because I know I'm gonna screw her so might as well start early

This can be taken so out of context.
Originally Posted by tochukwu View Post
wall of text inbound
hello ultimate my name is tochukwu (in real life) and i can help ultimate in many ways tc wise item wise recruting wise just as long as its not art i can do it for you if you evn if you need a fucking dog i will do it for you. plus i can do many mods the only mods im not good at are wushu and erth tk although if i need to learn them will. in short im decent at any mod i need to do witch should be helpful in wars in cause you need me to do a weird mode i can do it. furthermore for how long i play im online every day litterly even single day im playing for about the whole day so when you login and search for me i will me online. (and yes im kinda addicted just a little.) also if i had to say my favorite mod it would be aikidobigdojo.tbm it is the only mod i really play iand i think that is the mod i play the most unless my toribash glithes and i cant join a certain server for some reason :/ althogh i mostly play in privte server unless there is a server that is not croweded with a lot of people. to countinue my application (im totally creative with my transitions XD) if you send a pm or send anything to me in furoms i will check it evey morning im always on furoms 24/7 starting at when i wake up so if anything happens there ill know although my post count is is really low i do check post on furoms and post anywhere to be honest it just low cuse i dont post unless i have to or unless i need i also somtimes dont have much to say cuse there isnt much i can say to post that are like a year old XD or to post that dont mean much :/ but if its a pm i will always reply. as for my toribash experiace when i was a noob all i ever plyed was judo (like all noobs do) but i was really good at it (or it was luck etheir one is true) i was able to beat god belts but ill stop talking about that cuse that was the past and you probly dont care about skill. but while is was a noob i tried other mods and learned form people and peple tought me some moves like how to snap kick and thats when i started getting better at toribash and then i started doing mods like aikido nad mushu etc. thats how i started adapting to other mods (except wushu and erth tk) so once i got better i started trying my moves against better players like poeple way hight belt even now when im a 3rd dan i trian with higher level poeple like custom belts and god belts etc. so that is my toribash experiacne for you like it? i hope you do. as for my skype it is favor.godswill btw it says im 35 yeah... thats a lie. as for me i consider my self a pretty good person i try to be friends with everone i meet although somtimes they hate me on sight for no reason when i dont even know the person :/ i dont rage much i would only rage if somthing like when im about to win a 1 mill. toruney and then i lose to the guy hacking or a maxcontacts glith othwise i wont rage im not that kinda of guy also for my life my hoobies dont really have them although if i needed one it your be palying vidoe games as for now for the sports i play they would be soccer and basketball im a beast at soccer but im still learning basketball from my cousins so if you see me in real life PLEASE DONT CHALLENGE ME TO A BASKETBALL MATCH the result would be my ankles broken and me lying on the floor crying. that is my application enjoy and i hope i get in the clan
p.s if it says im sill in a clan im not it is probly a glitch and im pretty sure it should let me still join a clan.
~ regards tochukwu

This is not where this belongs, nor will it help us review your application any faster :/
Last edited by TheLostCarrot; Aug 17, 2015 at 09:44 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
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