It is meant pretty much for it i guess.

My wife likes editing together Pictures and clips of parties and such making sorts of collages and so on.

So i got the parts for a beast editing/gaming pc.

(yes its pretty overpowered for just that but fuck it, i have the Money for it lol)


I'm thinking of maybie towards next summer spending a whole lot more to build a complete monster.

All i'm saying it should have x4 Titan x's
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.
Originally Posted by Xioi View Post
It is meant pretty much for it i guess.

My wife likes editing together Pictures and clips of parties and such making sorts of collages and so on.

So i got the parts for a beast editing/gaming pc.

(yes its pretty overpowered for just that but fuck it, i have the Money for it lol)


I'm thinking of maybie towards next summer spending a whole lot more to build a complete monster.

All i'm saying it should have x4 Titan x's

How about you uhh..

give it to me

Alright let's not be that blunt.
Why are you building a monster? That's really bad, man.
Build a god.
Like, 5 Titan Xs.
And like, umm, 64GB of RAM will do.
And also, don't forget, a 5Ghz processor.

inb4 xioi is buying all these parts to play tetris because fuck it he has the money
Yoooo that's a great idea.

I'll start a new eSport

''Titan X Jenga''
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.
Originally Posted by Xioi View Post
Yoooo that's a great idea.

I'll start a new eSport

''Titan X Jenga''

But seriously man, how are you so rich? Where do you work? You must own a company or something.
Or maybe your dad owns a company, i dont know.
Work as a Carpenter and a resturant owner.

I do mostly the carpenting. I'm the owner of a resturant wich my brother is in charge of the cooking and reservating and so on. I help out when needed ofc. But he's mostly in charge, I do the paperwork however.

For the Carpenter part i guess i can call myself a log cabbin manufaction machine,
Mostly do schacks but it can become Projects of entire houses or villas.

Make quite a bit of Money of it all in the end so ye,

I also own a small fielded area with alot of room for Wood and storaging, and a set of 4 Buildings meant for something in perticular.

Welding,tree forming and so on,
Depends on what work it is. If it so is in Wood or metal

And i'm not that rich rlly, i'm just really good with Money and at saving it,
Last edited by Xioi; Dec 4, 2015 at 02:50 PM.
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.
yeah and also you're good at stripping

also spending thousands of $$$ on PCs doesn't make you good at saving money, doesn't it?
funny to see how a carpenter has thousands of dosh to spend.
here in india, a carpenter would have a real small house (below standards, mind you), a bike (bikes = poor to middle class ppl in india) and carpenting stuff.
They wouldn't even have a PC or some shit.
Yea i guess i had the luck of enharitating my dad's farm after he died,
I didn't really do much for a year and then i took it all over and turned it into what it is now.

Without it i would never of gotten anywhere.
Last edited by Xioi; Dec 4, 2015 at 03:11 PM.
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.
Originally Posted by Xioi View Post
Yea i guess i had the luck of enharitating my dad's farm after he died,
I didn't really do much for a year and then i took it all over and turned it into what it is now.

Without it i would never of gotten anywhere.

I thought you were snake :-(
i cri m8
I legitimately thought you were that type of guy who would do some stealth shit with a cardboard box.

Oh yeah, and I like how you turned your dad's farm into a strip club.
You da pimp man
My fkn wife might hear you.

And i am fkn snake, just take a look in the closest giant box you see and i'll be there.


To get a topic on,

What consoles does everyone own?

Nintendo Wii, Wii U,
Gamecube x2
Gameboys off all sorts,
All Ds's
Old sega drives and Nintendo stuff like the N64
And i've had a couple of PC,s
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.
so, what have we been talking about? Did you guys already know about USA?