Hello my name is Dylan I am 12 yrs old. I started playing TB about the end on 2014 but I am very skilled please test me I have beaten iLavender a fair amount of times.

I am not calling her bad. I am skilled in aikido, lenshu, Boxshu, and sparring and parkour. I would love to spar or parkour or just hang out with any member of the clan. I play about everyday all day XD #nolife.

I can be a great help in wars. I only have one request if you do accept my app and that is a ally with ITUA. They are my clan as of right now. They are good and I believe they would be a great ally.

I do have skype if you do have clan chat. -6 is my GMT. My previous clans are Sins, Tokyo...and I forget...I am truly sorry. I am currently a blue belt but with my old account combined I am like black belt or first dan.

Again I play ALOT, but my forum activity is low. If I must be active in forum I will. I might seem like a total classy dude in this app but I am way different in game. XD. I would also love to play any other game with any members of the clan.

I hope you accept my application. I have been dying to join this clan and I am friends with a couple members and I hope to gain more. Again I hope you accept my app and thank you for your time. :P

I have now quit my clan.
Last edited by MicroKilla; Dec 8, 2015 at 04:20 AM.
He is actually pretty good. I say yeah. I would love to have him in the clan. But 1st Dan? xD Wut?
Last edited by Wednesday; Dec 6, 2015 at 12:37 AM.
I found God.
Nevermind, I see your point. Disloyal.
Last edited by Wednesday; Dec 6, 2015 at 02:22 AM. Reason: Was blinded by the light.
I found God.
Originally Posted by XxGamerzz View Post
Its one or the other,but for anyone who doesnt know. If you dont want to spend the time to read the damn first page dont spend time making a damn app because you'll be denied faster than a member of ISIS getting shot down for yelling I got a bomb. Seriously though... first post its there for a reason.

... gamerzz this is possibly the worst comparison i have seen this year. Do me a favor and don't be as stupid as you just were ever again.
"I don't need a safety word because my mother didn't raise no quitter." ~BaraYaoi - BDSM Expert
Yes sorry please delete that post. Ive done stuff thats been not so great. I wont do it again I promise and if its not worthwhile I wont post it. For it however Im sure I do deserve a type of punishment.
[Nitro]| [TFF]|[TMO]"Jet beams don't melt steel fuel"~Bercat.
"01000001 01100010 01110010 01100001 01111000 01100001 01110011 "
Gamerz, if you cilck edit, you can delete your own comments. Anyway, back on topic. Denied. Re-apply in 2 weeks.

Please don't post any more responses to each other here.
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