Getting my laptop back hopefully tommorow. Also did you hear that From is doing an announcement on the 24th? You think its gonna be anythin about the dlc?
Originally Posted by Master View Post
She was a golden retriever. This happened a really long time ago when i was just a mere lad, and she was one of my first dogs.

Now, since we're on the topic, i like cats more than dogs. Hate me if you want, but cats are so fucking adorable. Don't get me wrong, i still REALLY love dogs, but cats are more appealing to me. At one point i had 4, unfixed cats. 2 male, 2 female. (i'm guessing you know where this story is headed), long story short, i had like, 12 cats at once.

I've had a lot of pets in my life, but i lost both my dog and my cat recently. my dog was a Callie, not sure what the breed of cat was. So currently, i have no pets, as much as i wish i did. all of the pets i have shit and piss everywhere no matter how much we walk them/show them the litterbox. our last cat especially would shit in our laundry all the time, so she became and outside cat. Therefore, due to my past experiences with animals, my mom doesn't want me to have any. Which really sucks because i love them.

But on the other hand, down here at my dads i have a Chihuahua, wiener dog mix (we refer to her as a Chiwene), and she's cute as fuck. Along with a cat, in which i've had for a long time, and he's chill.

Thanks for reading my life story about pets :>

No problem, nothing wrong with liking cute animals.
Originally Posted by Nagato View Post
Cats > BigDog any day :^)

Originally Posted by cocacobra View Post
cats dont do anything. I do like cats but dogs are more useful/playful. And having that many animals and not having them under control on where they piss/poop sounds like living hell

plus dogs dont clan hop

ho ye

Hell yeah!
Originally Posted by Surge View Post
i couldn't handle more than 2 animals, i've had 1 cat all my life (not the same one lol)

Don't short yourself out man, animals aren't that hard to maintain especially if you love them.

How're you all today?
Pure coincidence I think. Dont see why he would add himself to allies under his pseudonym, lemme fix that

Edit: fixed
Why is Arctic not an ally yet come on people get on it you lazy leaders i swear everyone is inactive come on people get it together i hope you had fun deciphering this