Whenever there is a black guy in a video game, he has to be the most obnoxious character, like Louis in L4D. Always yelling stereoptypical black guy shit. "OH DAMN WE CAN BLOW SOME SHIT UP WIT DIS", etc.
A brooding tough guy as a boss who has been epicly raping you in previous battles joins your party, and suddenly, he's piss weak.
>>The Official Guv'na Fan Club<<
o7[OLDA] pride, world wide o7

He who was the butt of the joke reserves no right to say "that wasn't funny."

Originally Posted by Chac View Post
also, jrpgs

Character setup

Main character that has amnesia/has a missing family member of some kind/his home village is destroyed. is usually no older than 17 years old and has an oddly feminine wardrobe

The thing with amnesia and destruction of homevillages and kidnappings of the hero's family is linked to the moral values held high in Japan. Family and home are pretty important things to japanese people so leaving one's family and home behind to pursuit some personal is not generally accepted in Japan. So the game's have to make the adventuring career of the main hero morally acceptable.

I might be wrong too but I made some research in the diffrences between the western and the Japanese gaming industry. And this is based on a article made by nonjapanese people so don't take this for a fact.
Originally Posted by hoho123 View Post

I Want To ManBreakfast Massage Me When He Massage I Will Pay

Far Cry 2's idea of "realism" includes enemies that can't swim
enemies (or you) die in two clips of ammo
fire that goes out quickly even though there's a whole fucking field of dried grass
vehicles that go up in smoke in two shots ANYWHERE on it (for example, the back or the doors)
your vehicle goes significantly slower than an enemies car
sniping from any distance doesn't bring the wind or gravity to affect on the bullet
enemies can snipe you from anywhere even if you're in a car moving in the trees
fire that kills enemies in one second but takes fifteen to bring you to the point of death
stupid surgeries on yourself (like pulling pipe out of your leg when you fell 10 feet, or snapping your arm back into place when you've been filled with bullets)
three saves for your buddy = death ALWAYS
enemies are as dumb as hell except on some occasions when you aren't prepared or low on ammo
given a hand-held scope to use that you can hardly see out of (why the hell can't they give him a pair of nice binoculars?)
an ironic two-swing impaling finisher for your machete, when you are a hired mercenary raised in the wilderness you gotta have some kind of experience with a fucking machete
given three fucking pills per bottle for your malaria.

That's only a few I could think up at the moment.
Last edited by DejaVu; May 24, 2009 at 09:10 PM.
Fonzie be with you.
Doing a quest once, it is original. Do ANOTHER quest, and it is like the original. The next quest however makes you go to a DIFFERENT place and do the same thing, etc.m you get it.

Choosing a companion over the other, ie; one must die. I don't know if it was used, but I hate it. (I understand that is not the point of the thread.)
Originally Posted by Pirate View Post
Doing a quest once, it is original. Do ANOTHER quest, and it is like the original. The next quest however makes you go to a DIFFERENT place and do the same thing, etc.m you get it.

Choosing a companion over the other, ie; one must die. I don't know if it was used, but I hate it. (I understand that is not the point of the thread.)

Reminded me of another point for FC2:

The normal straight-forward missions are original enough, but doing buddy missions are extremely repetitive:

You go to a safehouse and your buddy is there, and you either have to retrieve something and bring it back to your buddy, assassinate someone, or make them order something in, and probably kill them anyways. Then once you finish the mission, you have to save your buddy.
Fonzie be with you.
Originally Posted by DaBandito View Post
Play Red Orchestra. No crosshair, one shot to the head or even to the torso kills.
Realistic bullet trajectorys, realistic tanks, reloading bolt action rifles after everyshot, blood&gore etc. etc.

It's a multiplayer game. IMO the best FPS ever.

I love the game, but it feels too mechanical and unpolished to be considered the best FPS ever made.

Originally Posted by Snide_the_Clyde View Post
Exploding Barrels.

More like the most awesome entity ever. Exploding barrels are what made good games great.