Originally Posted by DarkHunt View Post
;o >WHOLE HOUR< bonus? damn...that is... 60 minutes of studying!


I would take all the money out of my bank account go to the poorest part of town and hand all of the people five bucks ;o
RicH has a pretty good idea... If there were two dudes at my school that I didn't like I would put one of them strattled over the other... and I would put them on the auditorium while an assembly was going on, so when time unfroze they would be raping each other infront of the whole school o_O
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Originally Posted by shitface View Post
1. completely strip two super fat chicks and stack them on top of each other and throw 10 guys in a well lit one way glass room to see the horified reactions on their faces. mwahahahaha

It would be more horrible actually stripping them :I

Originally Posted by shitface View Post
4.get a golf club, preferably a driver, and line 10 emo guys up in a line and rack them all relentlessly and watch them fall to the ground in their gay tight pants and long black straight hair.

top that

I don't really see what's wrong with emos Alot of them are cool, that's just plain sadistic, plus it'd be pretty obvious who killed them :I
lead Sigma
I would steal as much money as i could (say around 50k$) and after my time was up i would bank it all, then i would send my mom and dad 40k$ of it, then save the rest for skateboards, ect.

I wonder what there reactions would be?

Warning: don't bump ancient threads.
Last edited by Odlov; Mar 12, 2010 at 02:11 AM.

I'd strip every chick in my school and lock the doors from the outside and get rid of all of the phones. This way there are no clothes and they can't get out. Then i'd lock the girls bathroom so they can't all go inside and try to hide. I'd also break into all of the lockers and steal items that are valuable.

I may sound like a horrible person but at least im not lying about it.
bring back wibbles
Ya lets see.... I'd pick during the school day to do this, I'd lock all the entrances and exits and make SURE there are NONE exits available once so ever for a while. Then since the school is soooo big cant get them all, I'd go for the girls that i know are hot stopping along the way for any other hot girls, and strip them down naked. taking the clothes with me to hide. after all the hot ones are naked I go around taking everyone I see's clothes I use scisors so it's faster. I hide all the clothes in a secret spot noone can get to then I get naked too. If I have any time left I freeze rape one of the hot girls and cum on their face. Then time is unfrozen I actlike I have no idea whats going on and we all has teh sex
I'd do stuff like undress people and put them in the middle of the park, turn everything upside down to freak people out, and write "CAN YOU SEE US" on the bathroom mirrors at my mall... in horse blood.

The last part will make it seem like ghosts...
i liek turtelz xd
I'd get a black sharpie and draw pirate mustaches on everyone around.
Then I'd write "You have been touched by His noodly appendage" on their body somewhere. That way, people will finally abandon their false gods and see the Truth of Pastafarianism.

I might also orchestrate more mischievous and awkward situations, like putting some guys pants down and get a hot girl to stick her finger in his anus. Just arrange people in awkward positions like that.

Then I'd watch this awesome show unfold.