there are some really good replays but just the music side of it is taking up time.
Getting the music is a major issue and taking the right part is harder still
Ill try to have it finished within the next week or so but i am not making any promises
well if i have to place a percentage on it, i would say...45...?
There has been a little change.
I am no-longer stringing it all together.
Smile2 has a degree in video-editing and she has offered to help so she will do the movie part, and i will then take it and do the music
Secondly, the video is almost done. it wil take me a few more weeks if it is to be done in shaders but if not, then its almost ready.
Brucee, those songs are full of swearing! i cant put them in!
It could take an extra bit cause i didnt even think of how to upload it!
My computer craches whenever i try to upload something! i had to upload replays at a mates house just so it would work!
Aw C'mon Flame
Be Cool =D
i didn't even realise there was any swearing OO
jst put it in
swearing isn't that bad...right?
i no ur not in this clan but i dont no if the vortex members do so i think it is best for now timmy.
you cant buy happiness
but you can buy ice-cream thats close enough...right?