Originally Posted by Lisa View Post
280k for cat ears and icon

the 80k for an icon is just astoundingly low too me, so I'll have to pass.

Originally Posted by SenseiDc View Post
6k for gloves and hampa box ill toss 10k

I really can't do those gloves under 4k a piece m8 it just wouldn't be sensible to me. And I'll do the hampa box for 11
i take glove for 4k piece
"Gâle, peste, gengraine, trainent à l'entrée de son utérus,
C'est plus risqué de la ken que de jouer à la roulette russe..
Fuyez, elle a les lèvres déchirées qui moussent comme la Heineken,
Ya des tentacules qui pendent, c'est plus une chatte, c'est un Kraken.."
I am a fair business man, if sensei doesn't wish to purchase it I'll sell them to you for 4k a piece.

hmm.... icons are a tricky business. they aren't all the common too see, and the only way you can get them without purchasing from a user is 20USD. (which in the current tc market is quite a bit more than what people would expect to see an icon go for) and unfortunetly icons are the only items I will make money off of, because I bought them at a discounted USD price. I'll won't negotiate on the price, ill sell them each for 230k(which is still cheaper than 20USD, or the tc equal)
Last edited by Hacks; Jan 5, 2019 at 06:06 PM.
I can do that pirate belt for 8k np

are you asking for all my steampunk for 8k? if so that's gonna be a big negatory
and I don't think I'm going to sell that crown, it took me really long to find it, I'll send it off so it doesn't get confusing