Adventure Application
So my name is Nathan, and I would very much like to be a part of [a]. A little about me first- I'm fairly laid back and I get along with mostly everyone, I have a pretty positive attitude I'd say. I am currently a college student but still have a good bit of free time for games. Toribash is probably my current #1 but Dota definitely comes in at a close second.

As for some in game stuff: I am definitely very active in game, I play more or less every day and I'm on the forums mostly a few times a day. I know my post count is kinda low but I post on clan forums waaaaaay more than I do on the regular ones. My favorite mods are probably Boxshu/Mushu, ABD, and lenshu, not necessarily in that order. My favorite tends to change up based on my mood haha. I also do/have done in the past more some single player/ukebashing stuff but I'm definitely more of a multiplayer guy. I haven't been much for saving replays lately but I'll post a few slightly older ones at the bottom.

Past clans: My primary past clan was [Crooks] that I was in for a very long time as it was one of my first serious clans. After Crooks I joined (night) and essentially stayed there until it died. Following (night) I was in a few small clans until Crooks became [Saint] which I rejoined. Saint quickly died however which brings us to where I'm at now.

Reason for joining: I'm looking for a more serious/active clan to be a part of, it seems too many nowadays just have a dead forum or no one is ever in game. I'm not really a big fan of all the drama that goes on sometimes in this game and it seems that the members of this clan are pretty calm/avoid that shit as well which I really like. The members of [a] seem very friendly and I also have a few friends in [a], mainly Typh, Smag, and flesh (or Quack now i suppose) who were leaders in Crooks when I was in it.

Hope to hear from y'all soon, cheers
Attached Files
(nm) flips n kicks.rpl (194.7 KB, 3 views)
(nm)phase.rpl (43.7 KB, 3 views)
aikido 889.rpl (68.3 KB, 3 views)
boxshu great 4.rpl (71.7 KB, 3 views)
abd solid.rpl (65.7 KB, 3 views)
Last edited by Silent; Nov 10, 2017 at 09:27 PM.

Hi, I already know some of you.

About me:
My name is Ariane, and I'm 17 at the moment and I'm a girl (almost a woman), I like a lot of things like: laugh, chocolate, etc ... But it's not the more important, I will tell you some of my faults and quality:
Faults: I can be immature towards the people who annoy me (but it does not happen often because over the years I learned to control my emotions) I sometimes make jokes very bad (it can happen that I make people laugh: D) and there are other defaults I can not say.
Quality: I'm always optimistic about the idea of ​​moving forward, I'm not the type to give up something that I started for a long time easily (I do not like to give up) I do not care about winning or not, and most importantly I can speak English !!!!!!!!!
and for the rest I'm French

I would like to join you because I was told that you were active ass and that you like to laugh and then laugh around a good fight on Toribash is even better! And then I would like to make new friends.

In Toribash:
i started playing toribash in 2015 with an old account so i lost the password, i won several strong person but i know that at home the level does not matter (and know what i like because I think we must give a chance to everyone in this game even if it is not strong, and in addition it does more activity in the clan , but hey it's not the subject, the subject, it's me in toribash, so I said that my account was lost, I was 2dan in this moment and I play with my brother but I let him take care of the profile of the forum and clans he wants to join! In any case in these moments I play in-game but it's when I created this account that I immediately enjoy the forumalors I spent at least 1-3h on but I still play in-game and I have come so far!

I hope that I would accept (you see I'm optimistic), but if I refuse I would have tried (counted on me to restart my app, I will not let go!)

Edit : i like yellow and red
My name is mr. vine but friends call me bloody.
I don't mind u guys calling me bloody well lets see I was in active for awhile because we moved to a new state but I'm currently being active again I want to join because I want a clan I can hang out with and just chiil with. I do like tb I play abd and greyaikido a lot but I play a lot derange mods which is fun and sparring of course kinda rusty thou
Drink Blood Swing from A Vine Now You Can Die
Im gustavo,im from brazil,im 12 years old,im playing for 1 year,im good im abd,lenshu,aikido and etc,i like dogs,grrreatest is my friend i think '-',im very good at abd i think,i like this clan have good players and its finish ehh.