Name: thresher
Belt: Black
Earlier Clans: DeathAvenger and Titan
Why I left the clan: Inactiveness
Why I wanna join: This clan seems awesome.....and I haven't been in a good clan in a while
Time Zone: GMT-5
Name: TheUsurper
Belt: orange
Earlier Clans: none
Why I wanna join:This clan has the activeness i've been looking for - active enough that i can find you guys online, but not so active that you would get pissed off if i dissapeared for a random week [:-|, or, even worse, if i weren't ADDICTED to this game(*gasp*), which i'm not
Time Zone: US East!

Additional info: I've beaten brown belts (3)before(easily), as well as completely pwned a black belt ("freak accident" he calls it)....(I never did do it again....)

Also: i've only recently made this account, i've been playing on my friend's account for about 1year
Last edited by TheUsurper; Jan 29, 2009 at 04:07 AM.
Originally Posted by thresher View Post
Name: thresher
Belt: Black
Earlier Clans: DeathAvenger and Titan
Why I left the clan: Inactiveness
Why I wanna join: This clan seems awesome.....and I haven't been in a good clan in a while
Time Zone: GMT-5

i will test you next time i see you
ima crusin for a bruisn
Guys this isent a chat room, one skeleton7 theres no way in hell your going to get accepted by anyone acting like that. and theusurper if uv posted and another member acknowledged someone else, leaving u completely ignored it means something... so in response to your question "what about me", What about you?
Masterj05h Shop So cheap id have to be stupid to sell it like this... wait a seco-
Want to join Vampire?
State your name: Darkslayerx
State your reason for wanting to join:i like to fight and i want to meet new people who also like to fight and have fun
State if you had any earlier clans that you were part of:Fusion,Guardian
State why u left the clan:1.)I went to guardian, 2.)i felt like i was being ignored and TheSev had all the power
state timezone (testing purposes):eastern TZ
State belt:2nd Dan Black Belt

Buyakia we fought alot and some times i won and you won
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Taylor Gang or Die
i know its not my call but i m going to have to say No. Simply because you asked to join cbk about an hour earlier. Dosent show that ur interested in joining a clan if u apply to more then 1 in one day, especially if we arent ur first choice
Masterj05h Shop So cheap id have to be stupid to sell it like this... wait a seco-
Want to join Vampire?