There will be people disagreeing (I think) but that one game, Trove, I think it's dying. I used to play it before it got all huge on steam and everything was equal, but as soon as it got released to steam, BOOM, you had to wait in a queue for most of the time an hour to get into the game, and even that wasn't worth it because let me tell you something: it has it's pros and cons. Cornerstones are awesome, but crafting recipes are so freaking expensive sometimes.

The best part of the game is when you first finish a dungeon. You get brand new loot. at level 11, which is my level, the game is just grind after grind after grind... I once spent HOURS trying to get a new mount, which are arguably the most valuable items in the game, only to realize it was in some kind of weird hotbar thing in the bottom of my screen.

So yeah.
Furcadia used to be the biggest furry haven on the internet. Had 10k or so players at any time. Then the effects of having furries try to run a business kicked in and they're down to 1500 at peak, at least half of which are people multiclienting.
What about the Sims games? Like sims 4. simcity, well yeah they're definiently dying, but....

i dunno

I really hope Undertale wont die anytime soon, it's a great game.
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Originally Posted by 63n713 View Post
[/I]I really hope Undertale wont die anytime soon, it's a great game.

how does a game like undertale die? its not multiplayer and doesnt get updates regularly, it was just released and thats it. i dont know what "dying" could mean for such a game
oh yeah
Originally Posted by pusga View Post
how does a game like undertale die? its not multiplayer and doesnt get updates regularly, it was just released and thats it. i dont know what "dying" could mean for such a game

he is probably referring to the memes

god forbid the memes go away
Gunz the duel. The first one, maybe the second one as well but nobody cares about that. The first one is a great game tho.
Originally Posted by Yaysian View Post
Anyone else felt like the COD Franchise dying before BO3 came out?

That franchise died when Black Ops 2 and MW3 came out. Not sure which did it, but one of them killed it. I think it was Modern Warfare 3.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
Originally Posted by WeooWeoo View Post
That franchise died when Black Ops 2 and MW3 came out. Not sure which did it, but one of them killed it. I think it was Modern Warfare 3.

Dying? hardly, losing popularity? yes.

As you can see ghosts sold better than mw2, so yeah.
Last edited by cowmeat; Dec 7, 2015 at 06:55 AM.
Well damn, glad you showed me these statistics. I am surprised Ghosts sold more than MW2. I liked MW2 over Ghosts because biased.

Glad to see BO1 did good though.

Yeah, dying was a little bit of a stretch. Wrong wording.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
Runescape (Old-School), Runescape 3 and probably every other version of the game. In Oldschool RS it's become either fasionscape or botting for money. It's rather hilarious how much negative feedback RS3 gets from their facebook page.