Originally Posted by Faint View Post
so when do they reveal the non-grapplers

because really man i don't fuck with grapplers

this just in, ono has remade every fighter into a grappler.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Faint View Post
so when do they reveal the non-grapplers

because really man i don't fuck with grapplers

technically you got gen in the game with vega, since his moves without claw change and you can bounce off walls and roll?

I think I'll be playing some r. meek mill anyway depending on who the final chars are
been playing the beta a bit (pretty good sale on greenmangaming if you use code WINTER-ISCMNG-22PERC), chun li is pretty good but definitely got nerfed, ryu feels normal, really digging nash with his crazy links, karin feels slow but is probably pretty good, mika seems really good but is hard to play and i haven't played the rest. looking forward to trying out necalli and rashid, have a feeling vega ken and bison are going to be similar to their usf4 counterpart, at least somewhat (maybe aside from vega).

edit: holy shit, vega feels so good to play right now. i've never been a fan of charge characters, so i wasn't expecting much of his rework.

bison is still as hard as ever to play (for me, at least), ken feels pretty cool, dunno how i feel about rashid or necalli but i think my favorites for now are chun li, nash, and vega.

also, birdie just got added to the list of players a few minutes ago, he feels pretty cool, slow though.
Last edited by Faint; Oct 25, 2015 at 06:06 AM.
I didn't get to play as much as I wanted, spent the whole time trying to figure out what the deal is with Necalli and I'm still not really sure.

I kinda expected you to be able to pressure with stomps for days but the two lighter versions which can be used in blockstrings are unsafe on block and the heavy version can get jabbed out of in startup. Their range also makes getting the stomp to connect after a cancelable normal pretty rough.
On the other hand if you manage to get into a max damage situation you can do some hilarious e roo style combos, especially with the frame advantage you get off his v trigger (I didn't get to mess around with v trigger barely any tho). You can link stuff after stomps so if you land a jumping fierce you can do like standing fierce cancel medium stomp, link crouching strong cancel dashpunch and get some pretty great damage.
His normals are so stubby though, the only normal I found that is + enough on block needs you to be point blank if you want to frametrap with it or anything.
Confirming low forward into dashpunch seemed like a good idea but its so short and with so much recovery that you're gonna get whiff punished for days by anyone with a sweep.

I think the best results I had with him usually came from turtling the fuck up and just punishing everyone jumping a million times with his pretty great dp, it sucks that it sometimes whiffs as an anti air but 3 frame startup on the light or decent invinc on heavy keep it nice.

I bet the answer to actually using him offensively correctly is in his v trigger, hopefully we get to fuck around in training mode again soon.
oh yeah
Can anyone recommend a fight pad that isn't too expensive? Someone in #hi said they'd send me one I think it was snor but that's far too lovely for someone to do.

Will an Xbone remote suffice?
[4:37 PM] ponf: y'all might think i'm not wild enough to send dick pics over toribash
[4:37 PM] ponf: you'd be wrong
uwu i wuv you uwu