Original Post
Toribash 4.9
Time for another update.

4.9 will automatically update on the Steam version (nice!).

Stand alone version are here:

If you are on a Linux system yum update bash.. then download the steam version of Toribash.

- Mod subcategories
(OfficialMods, ArmedCombat, UnarmedCombat, Fun, Sports, WTF)
You still load the mod without the subfolder name /loadmod Aikido.tbm
- Added language option to setup menu
- Automatic setting of language in Steam version
- Added world_shader setting to mod file
(ex: world_shader data/shader/
-Added WORLD_SHADER setting to replay file that has to be inserted after NEWGAME line
(ex: WORLD_SHADER 0;data/shader/
- Added camera zoom to tori, uke hotkey with '6', '7' key
- Updated Torishop with new UI and latest prices
- Added lua script to get color for grip, timex, text

Bug fixes:
- Register errors that make more sense
- fixed replay menu load button
- fixed effects setup
- fix for disconnect messages. (Not Connected bug). It was caused by being disconnect before the correct reason had been received.
- fixed whisper message to self appearing twice
- renamed file to lowercase to fix missing texture in linux
- added chat support for 3 digit color by using percent sign
- fixed ghosted obj option when fetching from db
I am really liking the World Shader Hampa , that was a nice touch. I am sure the modders are going to love it .

Good job bud !
I just downloaded 4.9 and it didnt work it would just crash :l Btw i use a Windows XP sweet *Yes i know a very Bad comp but Its not mine*

Channel - ok
My friend is having a problem
My firends name is Tisanoi and she has forgoten her username and password so if a Gm could help her that would be great
Originally Posted by rilex123 View Post
My firends name is Tisanoi and she has forgoten her username and password so if a Gm could help her that would be great

Wrong section bud.

Anyway, good job Hampa and all your staff. Just have to find how to use the replay folder and it's cool.
Elle couuurt, Elle coooourt! LA MAAAAaaaAaladiiiie d'amOOoour! Dans le c... (cœur) des enfaaants! De 16 à 77 ans!
My hair and 3d items won't work I've /dl fleshmon and I've enabled it in options, once I quit the game and start it up again its still not working and then I return to options/advanced options and the hair and obj items are unseleted(but I seleted them already) that's one problem
Quack's Club

Pm me for help or if you have any questions.
For those of you having issues with items not showing up:

Make sure in the settings your "Effects" are always on.

Toribash 4.9 Update!

Originally Posted by ConCon19 View Post
For those of you having issues with items not showing up:

Make sure in the settings your "Effects" are always on.

Toribash 4.9 Update!

gg this is really cool.
Elle couuurt, Elle coooourt! LA MAAAAaaaAaladiiiie d'amOOoour! Dans le c... (cœur) des enfaaants! De 16 à 77 ans!