I only say good game if it's truely a good game. It's as simple as that, it's not because I lost, don't even try to say that. Good game means good game, and if it's not a good game, I do not say it.
Valterain1 was defeated by hermaphrodite on Oct 17, 2015.
It's not disrespectful or respect to say gg. It's just a added bonus and shouldn't be a requirement in any form. If I don't feel like typing "gg" after every match, I'm not going to. Does that mean they where bad games and I'm a mean person? No. Does that mean I'm angery if I lost? Again, no.
I don't say gg because I honestly don't give a flying fuck, yo.
<13chillz> Grab a crayon and go zoom zoom
if someone not saying gg to you hurts your feelings youre a faggot
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

If someone says gg I say gg back, it's a compulsion. If I myself think that it was gg, then I'll say it. If I think if it was a shithouse game and the guy was actually fucking retarded, I'll probably tell him.
I never say gg when I win unless the other player says gg first.
Otherwise I say gg first when I lose. Why not.
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