
You're so edgy. There is no "right way" in Dark Souls, it's all about opinions. If dual Caestus is the best weapon, it's because you're good with it, because you think it's good.
I for instance, like greatswords. I'm not like... "Everyone who doesn't use greatswords are freakin scrubs'yo".
The only thing i pretty much don't like in this is that poise is weird.
Every weapon staggers you on one hit allmost every time.
That makes it allmost impossible to beat people with a slow hitting weapon.

And of course im talking about PvP.
Like i am using Smelter sword and got into a fight with a dual Caestus.
Of course he had fast movement because of lightweight stuff
so when i swing he got away from it or when the swing was about to hit he touches
me with his finger and i get staggered...

Almost got him but then the amount of staggering got me dead.

Using Smelter sword +5
and Full ironclad set +10
I like the ironclad armor because with that you can't get backstabbed.
Still i notice alot of lag and laggy Bs's so this is pretty nice armor to have.

Just about poise i just don't know enough.
Sometimes especially little thrusting weapons like Rapier doesn't seem to stagger.
Last edited by Zapekk; May 7, 2014 at 07:24 AM.

You can't use lag and dead angles to win with heavy weapons any more?

I used to pvp with naked dgs and it's just a question of timing.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
You can't use lag and dead angles to win with heavy weapons any more?

I used to pvp with naked dgs and it's just a question of timing.

idk, i don't use anything besides curved swords or rapiers, but in general it's become easiler to parry UGS and GS
Of course you can still dead angle with UGS and GS but against
fast weapons that staggers right away your only change is to do well
timed jump attacks.

Jump attacks wi th ugs's are way more deadly now than in DKS1
They are damn fast, great tracking, good reach and makes lot of damage.
And mashesh opponent on the ground.

Not sure about others but smelter swords jump attack has maybe a little
op tracking.

I just decided that I am now going to play for the sole purpose of achieving this dual wielding greatswords madness.

Last edited by Hero; May 7, 2014 at 09:09 PM.
O, so dual wielding actually does something now? That's pretty cool. Definitely would love to dual wield UGS's!!!
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
You can dual wield anytime but for different moveset you need to get powerstance with
those weapons and that requires 1.5x strenght and dex what the weapon needs.
So if i want to powerstance with two smelter swords i need 60 str and 12 dex because
weapon itself needs 40 str and 8 dex.
