Originally Posted by ClockworkMonkey View Post
because smilies2 is based.

sure, but if the "damage" is allowed to be there, why is TheGod banned? if his thread/posts were so inflammatory and offensive, why are they still around and he is banned? personal grudge, is what i'm hinting hamfistedly at.

anyway, this thread was already dubious at best, but could you guys stop running it into the ground with your shitposting?
|11:33| »» [shark] so you're saying that you just paid 80 euros for pussy
|11:33| »» [Quit] [x] shark [] [Quit:]
so, cula got banned and now all the modders god team is going to whine about it for the rest of their lives?
well get over it, it's just a game and you are taking it too seriously. such rebel, much bitching, viva la revolution?

mehh.. so much noise..

anyway, seems like all god team is good at is victimizing themselves. gg
Last edited by snake; Jan 16, 2014 at 12:02 AM.
Originally Posted by snake View Post
so, cula got banned and now all the modders god team is going to whine about it for the rest of their lives?
well get over it, it's just a game and you are taking it too seriously. such rebel, much bitching, viva la revolution?

mehh.. so much noise..

go, shoe hypocritical elitist, shoe.
Get outta here
Anyway toribash's staff team is alright with just a small minority being to strict and serious about their job and yes this coming from someone who has never been staff(Hurhurfukustellar;-; ) may sound a bit funny but my god it's just crazy how serious some of these people are about what they do.
There's doing what you're supposed to do, filling your quota, not picking favorites or being protective over your ever so sacred clan and org, and just being laid back with it.
And then there's the Deut population that wishes to pick favorites and just goes crazy if someone messes with their clan or org just a little bit.

I'd say to fix it there's not much to fix just have someone of importance tell this selection of strict people to lay off a little bit and I'd believe it would be fine. All of us talking isn't going to do anything ;o

RIP TheGod
You shall soon return from the dead eventually
Originally Posted by sid View Post
TheGod has returned from the dead eventually

I need to be updated about things more often
Last edited by Natejas; Jan 15, 2014 at 11:20 PM.
~ raku ~ Team Girl Scouts ~ Clan League 2013 Champion ~ Duelist ~
TheGod has returned from the dead eventually
<&Fish>: did you just infract the toribot?
<&Fish>: you're fired
<JSnuffMARS> sounds like a drug-addiction or mastu(I'll censor that word)
<bishopONE>: also yeah fisting
<mwah> Gynx is it true you got admin over hero because hes from pakistan
Originally Posted by snake View Post
so, cula got banned and now all the modders god team is going to whine about it for the rest of their lives?
well get over it, it's just a game and you are taking it too seriously. such rebel, much bitching, viva la revolution?

mehh.. so much noise..

i'm not in the godteam, unfair bans are stupid. i made several posts with the statement that this isn't about any bullshit "rallying" and not for flaming moderators either. i notice which clan you're in though. don't use a dead, retarded meme if you want to get your point across, and don't post in my thread if you don't plan on contributing.
|11:33| »» [shark] so you're saying that you just paid 80 euros for pussy
|11:33| »» [Quit] [x] shark [] [Quit:]
Originally Posted by dalir View Post
i'm not in the godteam, unfair bans are stupid. i made several posts with the statement that this isn't about any bullshit "rallying" and not for flaming moderators either. i notice which clan you're in though. don't use a dead, retarded meme if you want to get your point across, and don't post in my thread if you don't plan on contributing.

too defensive. i see
Originally Posted by snake View Post
too defensive. i see

no, i apparently have to clarify the same point over five times for it to get across. now leave my thread, thank you.
|11:33| »» [shark] so you're saying that you just paid 80 euros for pussy
|11:33| »» [Quit] [x] shark [] [Quit:]
let me see if i got this situation right

deuteria banned thegod for using teamwushu/fl0w references for fun?

isn't that like if eddy banned everyone for making "evo 420 blaze it" jokes?

if so, that doesn't make any sense deuteria.
Don't think I found everything on here that I wish to address, but here's a couple.

Originally Posted by dalir View Post
i would however like to bring something new to the thread: TheGod was banned for a month, but his thread is open. why do you think that is?

So initially I edited out the "fl0w" and "TeamWushu" references and closed the thread, giving TheGod a 'verbal warning' about "...[not] associat[ing] clans or organisations which have not given their permission to do so" (there is a previous thread on which a clan/user(s) was made fun of, and so I used this as a reference for what I would do). Smilies2 then re-open the thread, having seen that I had changed these things, and I am fine with this. TheGod then edited back into the thread what had been removed (having changed the lettering slightly for some content), and so I chose to place a ban on TheGod's account. I then left a note for TheGod/Smilies2 to let them know the thread could be re-opened.

Originally Posted by pal View Post
let me see if i got this situation right

deuteria banned thegod for using teamwushu/fl0w references for fun?

isn't that like if eddy banned everyone for making "evo 420 blaze it" jokes?

if so, that doesn't make any sense deuteria.

As above; the ban which I placed was a "1 day ban". The reason for TheGod being banned for a "1 month" period was due to another recent ban of TheGod's.

If anyone would like a summary of how infraction points/bans work, then please refer to the following thread:
In the idea of a wibbles board why not implant a board that is not visible from mainforum, but with alink you can get there. Much lighter moderation and it wont affect anything currently
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