Hahaha zazo! That was nightmare? Hope for you that it was. :3

When i dream some sensual seductions i make them true the next day

Anyway did you ever dreamed about toribash? Kinda nice dreams

Quick edit: it was not a dream from you, my eyes are still closed at this daytime.
Last edited by Chazer; Sep 5, 2012 at 08:03 AM.
Toribash dreams would be painfull O___O'', I really wonder what its like actually.
I also once dreamed that I was fighting a girl back in Primary School which is Elementary School for most of you and she stoned my ass.
I've had times when I held girls from behind in an attempt to calm them down but eventually just slightly dry humping them.
I dream about flow and movement when i dream from toribash sometimes. I realy think that these dreams helped me to become a better fighter!

Did u ever dreamed that you get shot from a murderer? Hehe that are kinda shitty dreams. I cant believe that my bed and underwear was still dry
Hehehe, its not so easy to explain how i dream. Im not the tori as person. And i dont play the tori. Its a mix of thinking and feeling the situation and the tori. Third person view. I will do things like a new art of kick and then i dream how to move how to balance everything in slow motion. I feel the gravity in my dreams. So yeah im a bit hardcore i guess. So guys dont drink and drive ;)
I have dreams in third person, but I still think as I normally would. Kind of like a movie.
Same thing when I have toribash dreams. I have only had 1 or 2, but they are pretty awesome. I just beat the crap out of everyone, and it looks like a very well made video.
Today had a nightmare that i was getting eaten alive, only to find a few of the girls in my class we tickling my nose with a scarf..... how da fuck did that happen?
(Yes i fell asleep in school)
If me posting here is a disturbance please tell me, it said invaders welcome yet i don't do this often so it is beyond my comfort zone.

(Oh and i also dream in 3rd person, i guess im not alone there :/ )
Last edited by Siech0; Sep 7, 2012 at 04:29 AM.
Remember kids: You cant spell slaughter without laughter!
Originally Posted by Siech0 View Post
Today had a nightmare that i was getting eaten alive, only to find a few of the girls in my class we tickling my nose with a scarf..... how da fuck did that happen?
(Yes i fell asleep in school)
If me posting here is a disturbance please tell me, it said invaders welcome yet i don't do this often so it is beyond my comfort zone.

(Oh and i also dream in 3rd person, i guess im not alone there :/ )

Yeah I looked at your name, and I was like, "Who the hell is this?"
But it's ok, you can post here.