Trik: you leave mr. to join SyN to revive it, but then you give up and join E? i don't get it D:
A dueler is only a good as his finest lift.

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Originally Posted by DropKick View Post
Trik: you leave mr. to join SyN to revive it, but then you give up and join E? i don't get it D:

Some stuff (no I'm not telling you) went down in SyN and Trik was requested to leave.
in the name of the manly balthier send me your orc/chronos/gladiator items
Originally Posted by Wesley View Post
Ponzo: I don't disregard your posts. <3

Also what do you weigh to be benching 195?

Well here is the embarrassing part.
I got a late start on working out and when I lived with my friend for a month all I did was eat junk food and play xbox and post on forums. So I gained about 20lbs , but I've slimmed down so I would say maybe 190. Maybe a bit more because of muscle mass. In comparison to my friend who is 10 pounds heavier than I am. I am weak. He benches 335 and squats 500. I am working my way to that. I get my license next week and with that comes my expensive ass gym membership.
Don't gym ever. I weight about 55 kilograms. I am almost 18 years old. I'm a very good runner. Soccer player and hockey player. But in terms of gyming and strength I suck