I've come up with an suggestion.
A new rank.

We have the Students and the Teachers.
We should have some sort of Moderator rank and one Leader rank.
I guess Leader rank already exists but the people who have been a Teacher for a long time might be able to get over to the Moderator rank.
I got an idea even tho im not in rso. Maybe like a single player replay controlling both uke and tori were you imitate a form of martial arts. I think that would be nice. no dms obviously because arms just dont pop off in a fight but maybe fractures stay on :V
That's called a self spar Tay. Plenty of people do that, and that's not what this thread is about.

This thread is for more changing purposes.
Last edited by Marrez; Jul 21, 2012 at 06:52 AM.
the goblin
I believe we should add on more rules to the CnC thread.
One rule should be a replay limit (amount of replays allowed to be posted per week) of 3 replays per week.
The person who is posting can only post 1 replay at a time.
Another rule should only relate to teachers.
They have to give atleast 5 or more sentences worth of CnC, no matter who the person they're giving the CnC to is.
Teachers will receive a warning for not following this rule.
They can only receive up to 2 warnings.
Once that person does it again, it's a ranking down back to student.
To regain their responsibilities as a teacher, they will have to show that they can behave like a teacher.

Edit - Students will still have to give CnC. Their CnC cannot contain "Nice spar, I liked it. 10/10." It must atleast state something they liked/disliked, something that could be improved, or atleast something that is a part of CnC.
Last edited by Kiza; Sep 10, 2012 at 02:39 AM.