Could anyone CnC my latest replay? No one really did, or if they did, they didn't specify if it was towards me.
call me kobe
I'll CnC it later, and if I do, comment on my replay thread, please?
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Originally Posted by zeroback View Post
Im too inactive
But yeah
ima stupid
Swex sex

Read the thread rules. You never commented on mrLOLface's replay on page three. Do that please. Also, this thread seems to have been a bit derailed.. Let's get it back on track. Two pages with no replays is a bit ridiculous.
Fine, I'll post a replay, tell me what you guys think and CnC please.

OpenerEvent. I edited it from the 700th frame.
Also, if I post this on my replay thread, kindly CnC again?
I'll CnC your replay threads too if you CnC this one.
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I'll do some hardcore C&C of all of my subscribed threads tomorrow. Sorry about slacking lately, Masterexploder. :P If nobody comments on your post here by the time I'm back on, I'll C&C this thread as well.

Also, no problem, thanks.
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MMOpenerEvent - The opener was okay, and the first punch was a potential 3 dm boom. The following kick is also a possible 3 dm boom if aimed correctly. Your right leg looked stiff from frames 620 to 535. The next kick looked stylish from that spin, and I liked the way you flowed into another spin. However, your elbows and knees looked stiff from the hold. The skeetcap was okay, but it took way too long to set up and there wasn't much of a stylish look to the throw. It looked just like a basic grab, break, throw type of set up. The "corkscrew" looked a bit too slow and the landing looked a bit awkward. The pose was the usual type of pose, but your left leg was stiff.

Edit - I'll just give some CnC to MrLOLface since he never got some. *blames zero*

JoeyBonzo-Running is not the only option - The beginning was quite boring how you just stood there for 100 frames. After that, I'm not sure what you were trying to do. Possibly a realistic type of stretching, maybe? I'm not sure, but it was a bit random and awkward-looking. The first flip looked a bit strange because it looked as if you froze in mid air. The landing was strange as well because you landed with extended glutes, and your right leg was also a bit stiff in the landing. At approximately frame 580, your right arm ghosted through your right leg for a bit, please, try to avoid that. It kills the realism a little. The second flip had the same deal. It looked as if you froze and just reacted at the last second. You landed on your hand which isn't too bad, but it'd be best to land on your feet more. When you were "standing" next to uke, your right arm was raised and looked very stiff for quite a long time. You were stiff in the legs aswell. Your final pose was very stiff as well. I think with a little editing at around frame 320, you can get a decent standing pose. Also, in general, you should try to maintain a decent amount of flow and speed going throughout your whole replay. You had a lot of sudden stops, and went in different directions. I'd also suggest finding real life tricks and flips through videos and trying to learn from their movements.

Now, here's a spar I did with Phydadawg not too long ago.
Attached Files
D3_Phydadawg_Spar.rpl (548.5 KB, 21 views)
Last edited by Kiza; May 16, 2012 at 08:28 AM.
Well, since I got no replay all I will do is CnC.
I did like how you started the fight, not with normal running but a move with a attack right after it (well that was possible) next time I would like to see you hit your opponent at the beginning, also, the first spin looked very cool and fast but the landing wasn't really good, it looks like there's a short pause there.
Anyway, how you reacted on when you got hit as first it looked very realistic so that was a nice one of you, but the hit you had after that was a misser (not completely but it wasn't right at the face)
The spin-kick combo after that also was very good, but the hit wasn't timed very well because it looked soft.
Also the spin after that was also cool, but it looked a bit stiff, and same for the hit, it was also kinda soft.
The pose was very nice, however you lost so you fell down, that was quite annoying.
Overall you did a very good job and I will rate that a 7.5/10.
dreamy suicide act