Original Post
Minibash for Android - Testing

We would like you guys to test our Android version of minibash.

Here is what you need to do:

1st step: Download minibash to your android machine:

2nd step: Fill in these test cases (if you are unsure, leave the fields blank) :

Final step: Post your test in this thread in the following format

Machine name: The machine(s) you tested on, example Samsung Galaxy S 2
Android version: Your machine's android version here, example 2.0.0
Account name: The name of the account(s) you tested on, example androidtest0213
Test results: The results of the test in the xls sheet I gave you, uploaded to a server (, etc) or attached here .

Please make sure to fill in the test cases because that is what matters the most for us.

We need to test on a lot of different machines and we lack the hardware to do so, so please help us out

P.S. The guy who hands in the most useful tests might get thanked with other than just a mere "thanks".
Oh, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask them.


You'll need to tell your phone to allow "unknown sources" in order to install the game.

Go into Settings, then Application. Tick the Unknown Sources box.



Please feel free to complain about low FPS or the like, we'd like to know how fast it runs on the different machines.
Last edited by SlipAnc; Feb 13, 2012 at 04:18 PM.

Vox sucks
[10:14]<siku> magnificent sparkling vampire
[10:14]<siku> i love you edward

Official minibash tester. Please email if you have found a bug!

Machine name: Sony Ericsson Xperia Ray
Android version:
Gingerbread 2.3.4
Account name:I was not able to create my own account name...
Test results: Not worth posting, as most of the test would be fail, this is mainly because of the lag I experienced. I believe this phone should be more than capable of running this with it's 1ghz processor and 512mb ram. I also feel that the position of the menu button was rather difficult to press as it is right in the corner of the screen and when trying to press I ended up miss-pressing. I hope this helps!

But if the lag problem gets fixed I will be sure to post the test.
Last edited by Aqua; Feb 16, 2012 at 09:25 PM.
Machine name: Samsung Galaxy Y (Young)
Android version: No idea, how do i check? xD Bought it recently though, so it shouldnt be too old.
Account name: On Minibash? Dunno, never came so far...
Test results: The game starts, but it's just white, with gradients of light blue and a black frame. The game runs, and i can hear the buttons clicking when i point the screen, but i cant see the screen.
Originally Posted by SlyBash View Post
slip isn't a dev?? I've been living a lie

I'm a dev too but I dont have android hardware.

There is a new version updated, please download it again and test it.

Also, please use the xls sheet I included.



Vox sucks
[10:14]<siku> magnificent sparkling vampire
[10:14]<siku> i love you edward

Official minibash tester. Please email if you have found a bug!

I did up the list of things to test from the xml file in just text for those that don't have anything capable of opening xml.
What to do:
For each test case, comment on whether it worked ok or not. Also comment on anything noteworthy or unusual about it.

Stuff to comment on.

Testing it out now.
Machine name: LG Tmobile DoublePlay
Android version: The Latest
Account name: Felepeno, Froboy102-1
Test results: Wouldnt start up, Started up for 4 seconds but died.
Last edited by Felepeno; Feb 17, 2012 at 03:30 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
It won't let me download it on Samsung Galaxy Y

And yes i did turn on ''allow unknown sources"
I've been scammed out of 10k , a donation would be cool :D - Visit My Shop!
Originally Posted by KingtiesII View Post
It won't let me download it on Samsung Galaxy Y

And yes i did turn on ''allow unknown sources"

Same problem here, black screen. I dont think it launches properly, since i can still see my "task bar" at the top of the screen. It is downloaded, however, and i can find it in the "downloads" app.
Originally Posted by YoDestiny View Post
Same problem here, black screen. I dont think it launches properly, since i can still see my "task bar" at the top of the screen. It is downloaded, however, and i can find it in the "downloads" app.

It really sucks.
I've been scammed out of 10k , a donation would be cool :D - Visit My Shop!