I have a whole list of things that I want to do before I die. Once that's done, I'm cool to die anytime after that. But yeah, I'm scared to die if it happens so soon.
master of the universe
I value life, but I'm not afraid of death. Life is a one time, but I intend on living it at best. Even if it kills me 8/


i'm afraid
when the angel pulling out our soul...that's the scary part
Yesterday was a history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift. That's why it's called the present. - Master Oogway (Kungfu Panda)
Originally Posted by NoCheerios View Post
Not at all.

The phrase "eternal rest" comes to mind, but even better, because there are no annoying alarms to wake you up, no sore muscles, and no sense of fear of paranoia. Just.... non-existent.

Of course, I've still got more to live for, so I don't see myself searching for death any time soon.

Agree but... Its a Bit " Grim " ... well i think so.. Just Like All The Things in the Universe will Disappear.. Untill There is Infinite Darkness.. i Just dont Like Thinking Eternal rest .. Alot ESPECIALLY AT NIGHT... it Gives me Goosebumps...
To everyone who said they're not afraid, they're lying. Stop trying to act macho on the internetz.

I'm afraid of death because it will eventually come and there is no way to avoid this.
If you guys feel safe because you feel like there is heaven or hell.
What are the opinions of an atheist who has more logical criteria?

As an Atheist over 2 years, I have to believe that there is no heaven and there is no hell.
However death is so mysterious and it is described as "The final Unknown".

I would like to join a community without all the problems the earth had after I gasp my last breath.
I would love to see new creatures, new technology, different abilities.
Last edited by PlayerID57; Nov 4, 2011 at 02:55 PM.
Originally Posted by McBurger View Post
To everyone who said they're not afraid, they're lying. Stop trying to act macho on the internetz.

I'm afraid of death because it will eventually come and there is no way to avoid this.

No one is lying. You don't have to be afraid of death, and it doesn't need to be bad to die. I'm not afraid of death itself, but I'm afraid that I might not accomplish what I want, before it comes.
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<augans> youre my thiggist
<Muze> Id like to say, I don't apologize, I'm a tough guy in irl and I will be a tough guy in a video game. Ok that's it.