Originally Posted by Fear091 View Post
Nice one.

(09:56:22 PM) ExtremeNil: WHO was the nerd who put "This is an alien research laboratory"?
(09:56:30 PM) gLawlFreak: guess
(09:56:39 PM) ExtremeNil: Fear?
(09:56:40 PM) gLawlFreak: *cough fear
(09:56:43 PM) gLawlFreak: lol yup
(09:56:44 PM) ExtremeNil: e.e...
Makes you want to flip a table huh....
s code:
[15:03] == gLawlFreak [webchat@413A91D8.CCDBFBE3.725E3F54.IP] has joined #TLL
[15:03] -ChanServ- [#TLL] Welcome to the TLL IRC!
[15:03] <gLawlFreak> i s2 you, nil
[15:03] <+ExtremeNil> I S2 you to, gLawlFreak
[15:03] <%thepureone> NO
[15:03] <%thepureone> NO S2 here
[15:03] <gLawlFreak> YES
[15:03] <gLawlFreak> who says
[15:04] <%thepureone> TELL ME WHAT S2 MEANS
[15:04] <gLawlFreak> a heart
[15:04] <%thepureone> ....
[15:05] * thepureone smacks glawl for making no sense
[15:09] <gLawlFreak> lol
[15:12] <%thepureone> how S2 a Heart...
[15:12] <%thepureone> <3 <--- heart.... S2<--- looks like a S and a 2
[15:12] <%thepureone> mabye if it was a backwards 2 then ok
[15:12] <%thepureone> BUT NOT A S!!!!!!!!!!
[15:20] == Fear091 [] has joined #TLL
[15:20] == mode/#TLL [+qo Fear091 Fear091] by ChanServ
[15:21] <@Fear091> gays
Death is so sure of victory, which gives us a life of advantage
pures new sad face

[21:30] <%thepureone> ಥ_ಥ yeah Im pretty sure

i dont see it....
<~Fear> fuck, Pv2Caribou is that you?
<~Fear> you look like you suplex fucking rhinos
<Array> .... ಥ_ಥ  im ganna take it
<Array> who can i kick
<Array> u copy it
<Array>  /ckick /chanserv kick # $1
<Array> ya
<Array> ok put it in there, save etc
<Array> then type /ckick thepureone
<Array> done
<Array> FUCK
ಥ_ಥ Are you sure you cant see it. ಥ_ಥ ARE YOU

<Array> Pv2's mind would be like this
<Array> no
<Array> its more like
<Array> Bacon, Purpledrank, Twisted tea, Sports, Purple Drank, Beer, 
Bragging about Everclear, Game, Army, Torment Pure
<Array> oh i'm laughing
<Array> Slap a GM, back to beer, Partying Hard, Mocking people who sleep
<Array> Beer, Hating Rap, Liking the Rock version, 
Hating the lyrics though but liking it when told in rock voice, 
<Array> Back to kicking pure, having gay sex with glawl and murr, 
soap skit, back to kicking pure, Chanserv kicking pure, finding new ways to troll
<Array> Shower, Sleep
<Array> Food, Kicking Pure
<Array> lol
<Array> Drank, ( and then it goes all over again)
<Array> .... like dafuck man...
<Array> I am at least kick on a average of 5 times a day
<Array> that 35 times a week
<Array> cool
<Array> thats 1826.25 times a year
<Array> 1826.25 ?! 
<Array> ujelly?
<Array> you could do 40 a week Caribou
<Array> im gonna shoot for it
<Array> lets get a quick 5 right now
<Array> XD
<Array> NO
<Array> FUCK
<Array> We believe in you
And so it begins...ಥ_ಥ
Last edited by thepureone; Sep 14, 2011 at 03:59 AM.
Fear torl!
torls code:

[02:19] <+GlawlFreak> i'll create a group
[02:19] <+GlawlFreak> gay4nil
[02:19] <+GlawlFreak> :3
[02:19] <ExtremeNil> Nuuuuuuuuu
[02:20] <ExtremeNil> I am not gay
[02:20] <+GlawlFreak> but i'm gay 4 u :3
[02:20] <ExtremeNil> bnah
[02:20] <ExtremeNil> nah*
[02:36] <ExtremeNil> Omg
[02:36] <ExtremeNil> i really want to dance now
[02:41] <+GlawlFreak> see
[02:41] <+GlawlFreak> ur gay
[02:42] <ExtremeNil> Why?
[02:44] <+GlawlFreak> [02:36] <ExtremeNil> i really want to dance numa numa now
[02:44] <ExtremeNil> So?
[02:45] <+GlawlFreak> numa numa is for babies w/o tities
[02:45] <ExtremeNil> Lol
[02:45] <ExtremeNil> i never said numa numa
[02:45] <ExtremeNil> lol
[02:45] <ExtremeNil> LOl
[02:45] <ExtremeNil> LOL
[02:45] <+GlawlFreak> you did
[02:45] <ExtremeNil> Wth is numa numa?
[02:45] <+GlawlFreak> ^^
[02:45] <+GlawlFreak> search it on YT
[02:45] <ExtremeNil> [19:14] <ExtremeNil> i really want to dance now
[02:46] <+GlawlFreak> [02:36] <ExtremeNil> i really want to dance numa numa now
[02:46] <+GlawlFreak> you edited it
[02:46] <ExtremeNil> No
[02:46] <ExtremeNil> u did
[02:46] <ExtremeNil> Bitc
[02:46] <ExtremeNil> h
[02:46] <+GlawlFreak> i didnt
[02:46] <ExtremeNil> u liar
[02:46] <+GlawlFreak> i swear
[02:46] <+GlawlFreak> U LIAR
[02:47] <ExtremeNil> trapper muthafucka
[02:47] <+GlawlFreak> TRAPPER FATHAFUCKA
[02:47] <ExtremeNil> YU R
[02:47] <+GlawlFreak> I AM NOT
[02:48] <ExtremeNil> YU ARE
[02:48] <ExtremeNil> LIAR ²
[02:48] <+GlawlFreak> FUsir
[02:48] <+GlawlFreak> stop trolling me! D:
[02:49] <ExtremeNil> U are
[02:49] <ExtremeNil> U troller
[02:49] <ExtremeNil> YU TORLER
[02:49] <ExtremeNil> TORLER
[02:49] <ExtremeNil> TORLER
[02:49] <ExtremeNil> TORLER
[02:49] <+GlawlFreak> troller*
[02:49] <ExtremeNil> TORLER
[02:49] <+GlawlFreak> troller*
[02:49] <+GlawlFreak> troller*
[02:49] <+GlawlFreak> troller*
[02:49] <ExtremeNil> Tyu such torler
[02:49] <ExtremeNil> fucking torler
[02:49] <+GlawlFreak> YU THA TORL
[02:50] <ExtremeNil> No
[02:50] <ExtremeNil> Yu Torl
[02:50] <ExtremeNil> Yu are numa numa Torl
[02:50] <~Fear091> FUCKING SHUT UP
[02:51] <ExtremeNil> Lol another torler
[02:51] <ExtremeNil> Fear u'r torler
[02:51] <+GlawlFreak> ;O
[02:51] <~Fear091> I WILL KICK YOU
[02:51] <+GlawlFreak> EHS TORLING US
[02:51] <ExtremeNil> Ok
[02:51] <ExtremeNil> I stopped
[02:52] <ExtremeNil> yu no torl
[02:52] <ExtremeNil> lol
[02:52] <+GlawlFreak> lol
Last edited by gLawlFreak; Sep 17, 2011 at 12:35 AM.
Death is so sure of victory, which gives us a life of advantage
lol code:

[23:31] <Pv2Caribou> i saw this 2 days ago, and it still blows my mind...
[23:31] <Pv2Caribou>
[00:04] <%thepureone> kalvin and hoobes
[00:04] <Pv2Caribou> calvin.....
[00:04] <Pv2Caribou> it clearly says calvin right there....
[00:07] <%thepureone> yep thats the said part
[00:07] <Pv2Caribou> sad
[00:15] <%thepureone> ...
<~Fear> fuck, Pv2Caribou is that you?
<~Fear> you look like you suplex fucking rhinos
Originally Posted by PV2Caribou View Post
lol code:

[23:31] <Pv2Caribou> i saw this 2 days ago, and it still blows my mind...
[23:31] <Pv2Caribou>
[00:04] <%thepureone> kalvin and hoobes
[00:04] <Pv2Caribou> calvin.....
[00:04] <Pv2Caribou> it clearly says calvin right there....
[00:07] <%thepureone> yep thats the said part
[00:07] <Pv2Caribou> sad
[00:15] <%thepureone> ...

You left out the part when I rage quit and flip a table
oh thats what that was? it looked like you smashed your face against the keyboard to me

table? code:
[00:17] * thepureone ( Quit ( Quit: *(•°–°‰•︵ ””” )
<~Fear> fuck, Pv2Caribou is that you?
<~Fear> you look like you suplex fucking rhinos