emmm well i guess single allies is possible when we cant add the whole clan as allies ;p
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
i think dats moar sexy,then scroll all over the thread, so u can select what u need and check it out etc...

we dnt have clan board now, so we use spoilers as separate threads which were sticked at the time when we had an own clan board ;p

moar serious explanation ^
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
Boyan, Hans Zimmer's Now Wew Are Free from Gladiator, Time from Inception, Up is down from Pirates of C... It are my favorite ones

Zimmer write the moodiest tracks. Using it for drawing <_<
My eyes seek reality...
ty hip ;p
well... gonna find out how we can skip 3 weeks rule... not quite sure thast possible, but i guess we may try ;p
Becoming an Official Clan
These are the requirements you must meet if you wish to apply to become an official clan. Your clan must:
  • Be at least 3 weeks old. We don't want clans dying while we vote on them.
  • Have at least 4 members.
  • Pay 50,000TC. If you want to become official, you have to earn it.
  • Have leaders which display competence and good leadership skills.
  • Have members who and behave respectfully and appropriately.

Last edited by snake; Feb 12, 2011 at 01:26 PM.
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
In the first post you should include:

An explanation of how you plan to run your clan and how you make decisions.
need to add this in "about fl0w" etc

Other things to include are your rules, aims or goals
suggest something cuz i cant find more then 2 goals: gettin off and havin fun as allways
rules?... no idea also..

and possibly an introduction with background info of your clan.
seems like it goes to "about fl0w"
Last edited by fl0wbank; Feb 12, 2011 at 03:21 PM.
Originally Posted by Fl0wbank View Post
In the first post you should include:

An explanation of how you plan to run your clan and how you make decisions.
need to add this in "about fl0w" etc

-Democratic rule- eg. Votes.

Originally Posted by Fl0wbank View Post
Other things to include are your rules, aims or goals
suggest something cuz i cant find more then 2 goals: gettin off and havin fun as allways
rules?... no idea also..

-Invite only-
-"retaking the fame"-
-requiting izno and jeff-
-reach the top-
-get a tag texture-

Originally Posted by Fl0wbank View Post

Now doing recoloring for people not in the clan as-well, PM for more info!
This is my view on how this clan should be ran:

As Smog said the clan might be invite only.But,I think we'll accept invitations first,and when were full we'll either let people post applications,and consider them.But rarely accept them,or we'll turn into invite only.

Goals of the clan:

1-Stated before,enjoy this game with friends,and enhance the experience of this already fun game.
2-To become better at several mods by teaching each other,and forcing each other to play mods we don't like ;p.As well as to become more competitive at this game as a clan and as individuals.

1-Respect,I don't have any other right now.

That's it for now.