Application form:
Name: Kingsta2112 (call me King/Connor)
Age: 16
Playercard: Ill post myne once I get on my pc
Why I want to join: well, quite recently my clan has fallen apart. I'm looking for a new clan and C3 has always been on my eye. I know alot of the members in C3. I've got to know them whilst i've been disciding to join. I'm not joining because you have just become offical. I've kept my eye on C3 for a while now. I wanted to choose an active clan, and C3 is veery active.
Why I think you will accept me: well, why wouldn't you choose me. I'm a very socail person, I can make friends quickly. I like to buy art from the forums such as clan pictures and alsorts. I make some of my own art at times aswell. I'm a very technical person, I'm very smart and can help with clan situations. I buy tc alot, I also donate alot. I'm active on the forum all the time, aswell as ingame. I'm very skilled at toribash, and am able to teach others my skills. I'm very loyal and would be in this clan for a long time.

Thanks for Reading,

^ your usercard for everyone to reference towards.

I'd have to see you play before I say anything.
Originally Posted by Exie View Post

^ your usercard for everyone to reference towards.

I'd have to see you play before I say anything.

Thanks alot. I'm on my phone so I'll be on tonight
Hey King...
I have to say, i already see you applied for [f].
Nice apply. Complex and well constructed.
I'll say Maybe... close to the Yes.
But as a requirement, you need a test in-game.
underground shelter with windows of a sunny day
always ~